a1ext / labeless

Labeless is a multipurpose IDA Pro plugin system for labels/comments synchronization with a debugger backend, with complex memory dumping and interactive Python scripting capabilities.

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Error with the new file when creating a new stub database

quimmol opened this issue · comments


IDA-side information

Question Answer
IDA-side OS version Windows 10
IDA PRO bitness (not IDB/I64) 64
IDA plugin bitness 32
IDA plugin version v1.1.2.85

Debugger-side information

Question Answer
OS version (client) Windows 10
Plugin version
labeless python module version
Debugger type x64dbg-x32, x64dbg-x64

Problem Description

The bug occurs when loading a stub database on IDA 7.6 or 7.5, don't appear the Load a new file dialog and directly IDA will fail to load the new file.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Open IDA 7.6/7.5
  2. Load stub database
  3. Create Sample stub on any location
  4. Error from IDA opening the file.

Complementary information



Hi @quimmol, it seems like plugin failed to write a stub exe to that folder. Does IDA have permissions to write there?

Yes, i tried to create the stub database on common locations that i use with IDA, also with admin priv. and the error is still the same.

This has more to do with IDA than labeless i understand but if someone has encountered this error so it can be fixed.

Sorry for the late response.


I will try to reproduce it. Thanks


Maybe your antivirus blocked the PE stub the plugin drop to allow IDA load empty sample... Have you seen any warning from your AV?