a1ext / labeless

Labeless is a multipurpose IDA Pro plugin system for labels/comments synchronization with a debugger backend, with complex memory dumping and interactive Python scripting capabilities.

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Binary File Sync

sisoma2 opened this issue · comments


Is it possible to add sync support for Bynary files like Shellcodes? That would be useful when debugging them without the worry to convert them to executables.


There is a workaround - you could create an IDA IDB with help of Labeless and then sync your changes to the debug process instead of just opening the shellcode in IDA as binary. But this requires you have the shellcode inside some process.
To do this you have to perform the following steps:

  • create and open clean IDA IDB using Labeless -> Load stub database...
  • get a debugger which is paused and dubugging some process with the shellcode inside
  • setup the connection to this debugger in IDA
  • go to Labeless -> IDADump -> Wipe all and import... to dump your shellcode
  • the following dialog will appear, find out your shellcode and using right click menu set it to be imported as RWE - read + write + execute memory region:
  • and accept this dialog, after that Labeless will dump the selected memory in a newly created IDB

The new IDB could be both 32 and 64 bit. To dump 64-code you have to open ida64 instead of just ida, there will be different Load stub database... submenu:

P.S. You could keep multiple modules, shellcodes, data chunks in one big IDB, you just have to use different option when dumping - Keep existing and import...:


Ok, I will do it like you said.
Thank you very much!


Hey @sisoma2,
I've just turned on binary files support. It will be released in next version, but you can get a dev build right now from the build-service Appveyor


Hi @a1ext,

Sorry for the late response. I've been a little busy with work and FlareOn Haha
I've tested the new release of Labeless with Bynary Sync and it works like a charm, thank you for implementing it :)




Hi @sisoma2
Cool, thanks.
What the latest challenge did you solve? Are there some way to improve Labeless taking into account tasks from FlareOn?