a1ext / labeless

Labeless is a multipurpose IDA Pro plugin system for labels/comments synchronization with a debugger backend, with complex memory dumping and interactive Python scripting capabilities.

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Can't asyn struct member variable name?

Youlor opened this issue · comments

My Enviroment: Windows10, IDA7.0, x64dbg 2018.5.17


004017D0 |  | mov ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+10]                | ecx:start
004017D4 |  | mov eax,dword ptr ss:[esp+4]                 |
004017D8 |  | mov dword ptr ds:[4040B4],ecx                | ecx:start
004017DE |  | mov ecx,<c2dcad_1.g_obj3>                    | ecx:start
004017E3 |  | mov dword ptr ds:[4040AC],eax                |
004017E8 |  | call <c2dcad_1.CObj3_MyCreateWindow>         |
004017ED |  | mov ecx,<c2dcad_1.g_obj3>                    | ecx:start
004017F2 |  | call <c2dcad_1.CObj3_MyMessageLoop>          |
004017F7 |  | ret 10                                       |


.text:004017D0                 mov     ecx, [esp+nShowCmd]
.text:004017D4                 mov     eax, [esp+hInstance]
.text:004017D8                 mov     g_obj3.m_nShowCmd, ecx
.text:004017DE                 mov     ecx, offset g_obj3
.text:004017E3                 mov     g_obj3.m_hInstance, eax
.text:004017E8                 call    CObj3_MyCreateWindow
.text:004017ED                 mov     ecx, offset g_obj3
.text:004017F2                 call    CObj3_MyMessageLoop
.text:004017F7                 retn    10h
.text:004017F7 _WinMain@16     endp

Is a method asyn g_obj3.m_nShowCmd to 4040B4 at 004017D8?


Hi @Youlor,

It seems like this case has not handled yet by Labeless, I'll implement, thanks.


@Youlor , Could you check this build?

@a1ext , I check it, but can't asyn! Thanks!



can't asyn

I don't understand you :)

... :), can't synchronous!


Hi @Youlor,

Could you check new version v
Let me know if it works as you expected or not.