a-tabaza / bge_ft_arabic

Attempt at creating a good arabic-english sentence pair dataset (abandoned for now)

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Finetuning BGE for Arabic Embeddings


This repo is a work in progress and I don't mean the model, just the code, it's horrible trust me I know, once I'm done with the dataset, I'll push it to huggingface, and clean up the code. Model, same thing.


Hi there, this is the first article I ever write, and it will be a combination of documentation, explanation and steps for everything I did with this project. I will try to explain everything in detail.

Dataset Curation

These steps will explain the process of curating the dataset for the finetuning process. The dataset is a filtered version of Wikimatrix, which is a dataset that contains pairs of Arabic and English sentences from Wikipedia, it was used in some quite large-scale projects such as NLLB from meta, and the dataset is available on this link. The dataset is available in many formats, one of them is TMX, which is an XML-based format for translation memories, it can be parsed using BeautifulSoup.

An example of what a pair looks like in the TMX format:

        <tuv xml:lang="ar">
            <seg>2) #40, على الرغم من أنه يمكن أن ينظر إلى إصلاحه بعد ذلك. </seg>
        <tuv xml:lang="en">
            <seg>2) #40, though he can be seen reforming afterward. </seg>
    <!-- keep this example in mind because we will use it later when I talk about the quality of the Data -->


from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from tqdm import tqdm
import pandas as pd

file = open("ar-en.tmx", "r", encoding="UTF-8")
contents = file.read()

soup = BeautifulSoup(contents, 'xml')
tu = soup.find_all('tu')

# get pairs
pairs = []
for t in tqdm(tu):
    ar = t.find('tuv', {'xml:lang': 'ar'}).find('seg').text
    en = t.find('tuv', {'xml:lang': 'en'}).find('seg').text
    pairs.append((ar, en))

df = pd.DataFrame(pairs, columns=['ar', 'en'])

Dataset Cleaning

The dataset has around 1M pairs, which sounds too good to be true, which it was sadly, it had a lot of noise, which I will categorize into two types:

  • Duplicated pairs, but this wasn't just duplicated text, it would have some sort of phrase about the date it was retrieved or something similar, which would make it a different pair, but it would be the same text.
  • Bad quality translation, check the example above, especially in religious text.

To deduplicated the data, I used some primitive methods, then fuzzy matching, which I will show below:

from fuzzywuzzy import fuzz
df = df[df['ar'] != df['en']]
duplicates = []

for pair in df.itertuples():
    if pair.ar == pair.en:
    if pair.en == pair.ar:
    if pair.ar in pair.en:
    if pair.en in pair.ar:

duplicates = list(set(duplicates))

df = df.drop(duplicates)

dedup = df.drop_duplicates(subset=['ar', 'en'])

def get_similarity_ratio(str1, str2):
    return fuzz.ratio(str1, str2)

dedup['similarity_ratio'] = dedup.progress_apply(lambda x: get_similarity_ratio(x['en'], x['ar']), axis=1)
df_deduplicated = df[df['similarity_ratio'] <= 75].drop('similarity_ratio', axis=1)

This took off about 10k examples, which is not a lot, but it's something.

Now the fun part, actually filter the data based on quality of pairs, I devised a simple method that leverages sentence embeddings, since BGE provides very high quality embeddings, I can use it to calculate the cosine similarity between the Arabic and English sentences, and if the similarity was below a certain threshold, I would drop the pair.

But another problem arose, BGE is trained for English embeddings, which is why this whole project started, I can't garuntee good results when embedding Arabic text, so I thought of inserting an intermediary step, where I'd translate the Arabic text to English (en_translated), and then calculate the similarity (cosine_similatiry(en_translated, en)), and if it was below the threshold, I would drop the pair.

To get the intermediary step, I used Google Translate API, which is a paid service, but for a data of this volume it gets expensive fast, this dataset cost $2,013.42, which we won't talk about, you can get $300 free credits on a new account.

To run the API, you have to set up the Google Cloud SDK, which you can connect to VS Code, to process the data, I first tried to use the API directly, but it was very slow, so I used multithreading to speed up the process, which was still slow, I was going to move to async programming, but I found out that the API has a batch processing feature, which I used, and it was very fast, it took about 20 minutes to process the whole dataset.

To use the batch processing feature, I had to split the dataset into chunks containing 10k pairs each, in .tsv format with two columns, an index, and the text I want to translate, then uploaded them to a storage bucket.

The code to process the data and translate it:

from google.cloud import translate
import pandas as pd
from tqdm import tqdm

# process and split data

# the two hundred here is the len of token, I got it from the mbart tokenizer, which I was going to use for translation, but I ended up using Google Translate API, mbart takes a max seq len of 200, but I filtered the data based on it anyways.

pairs_200 = pd.read_parquet('ar-en-200.parquet')
pairs_200.drop(columns=['index'], inplace=True)

n = 10_000
pairs_split = [pairs_200[i:i+n] for i in range(0,pairs_200.shape[0],n)]

for idx, split in tqdm(enumerate(pairs_split)):
    split['ar'].to_csv(f'batches/ar_{idx}.tsv', index=True, header=False, sep='\t')

# translate
def batch_translate_text(
    output_uri: str = "gs://wiki_matrix_translated/",
    project_id: str = "neurofy-403605"
) -> translate.TranslateTextResponse:
    """Translates a batch of texts on GCS and stores the result in a GCS location.

        input_uri: The input URI of the texts to be translated.
        output_uri: The output URI of the translated texts.
        project_id: The ID of the project that owns the destination bucket.
        timeout: The timeout for this batch translation operation.

        The translated texts.

    client = translate.TranslationServiceClient()

    location = "us-central1"
    # Supported file types: https://cloud.google.com/translate/docs/supported-formats

    input_configs_elements = [{
        "gcs_source": {"input_uri": input_uri},
        "mime_type": "text/plain",  # Can be "text/plain" or "text/html".
    } for input_uri in input_uris]

    gcs_destination = {"output_uri_prefix": output_uri}
    output_config = {"gcs_destination": gcs_destination}
    parent = f"projects/{project_id}/locations/{location}"

    # Supported language codes: https://cloud.google.com/translate/docs/languages
    operation = client.batch_translate_text(
            "parent": parent,
            "source_language_code": "ar",
            "target_language_codes": ["en"],  # Up to 10 language codes here.
            "input_configs": input_configs_elements,
            "output_config": output_config,

    print("Waiting for operation to complete...")
    response = operation.result(timeout=None) # Infinite timeout.

    print(f"Total Characters: {response.total_characters}")
    print(f"Translated Characters: {response.translated_characters}")

    return response

# very primitive split since uploading all the data at once exceeds the limit
done = [f"gs://wiki_matrix_batches/ar_{idx}.tsv" for idx in range(50)]
all = [f"gs://wiki_matrix_batches/ar_{idx}.tsv" for idx in range(99)]
remaining = [x for x in all if x not in done]

batch_translate_text(input_uris = done)
batch_translate_text(input_uris = remaining)

# upload and download translated data
# I used the gcloud CLI to upload and download the data, you can check it out in the cloud documentation.

# process translated data (join them back and append as new column)
from glob import glob
paths = glob('translated/*.tsv')
dfs = pd.concat([pd.read_csv(path, sep='\t', index_col=0, header=None) for path in paths])
dfs.columns = ['ar', 'en_translated']
pairs_200 = pd.read_parquet('ar-en-200.parquet')
pairs_200['en_translated'] = dfs['en_translated'].values
pairs_200.drop(columns=['tokens_ar'], inplace=True)


To filter further, I checked the original English sentences for language since they had a lot of noise, I used the langdetect library.

from langdetect import detect
df = pd.read_parquet('ar-en-200-translated.parquet')

# very primitive error handling but it works.
def detect_lang(text):
        return detect(text)
        return 'unknown'

langs = [detect_lang(str(x)) for x in tqdm(df['en'].values)]
df['lang'] = langs

# filter original pairs to only include English
df = df[df['lang'] == 'en']

df.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)

# this is the dataset I pushed to the huggingface.


Attempt at creating a good arabic-english sentence pair dataset (abandoned for now)


Language:Python 100.0%