a-luna / fastapi-redis-cache

A simple and robust caching solution for FastAPI that interprets request header values and creates proper response header values (powered by Redis)

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@cache Decorator Not Working

ramprasad2018 opened this issue · comments

Hi Team,
I have followed the steps given in https://pypi.org/project/fastapi-redis-cache/.

I have added the following methods in main.py and observation is as follows: (Please note I am using the Tryout option of FastAPI docs to test the endpoint). Please help to resolve this issue. I am using python 3.11.

INFO: - "GET /dynamic_data HTTP/1.1" 200 OK
INFO:fastapi_redis_cache.client: 05/18/2023 06:53:13 PM | KEY_ADDED_TO_CACHE: key=myapi-cache:main.get_dynamic_data()

Response Header:

cache-control: max-age=30
content-length: 72
content-type: application/json
date: Thu,18 May 2023 10:53:13 GMT
etag: W/2847227004069749289
expires: Thu,18 May 2023 10:53:43 GMT
server: uvicorn
x-myapi-cache: Miss


When the end point is being executed for second time, the status of x-myapi-cache should be Hit and as follows. But it is not happening

x-myapi-cache: Hit

"message": "this data should only be cached temporarily",
"success": true


Will be cached for thirty seconds

def get_dynamic_data(request: Request, response: Response):
return {"success": True, "message": "this data should only be cached temporarily"}


import os

from fastapi import FastAPI, Request, Response
from fastapi_redis_cache import FastApiRedisCache, cache

LOCAL_REDIS_URL = "redis://"

app = FastAPI(title="FastAPI Redis Cache Example")

def startup():
redis_cache = FastApiRedisCache()
host_url=os.environ.get("REDIS_URL", LOCAL_REDIS_URL),
ignore_arg_types=[Request, Response]

Will be cached for thirty seconds

def get_dynamic_data(request: Request, response: Response):
return {"success": True, "message": "this data should only be cached temporarily"}

I have a similar problem, nothing is being saved using the @cache decorator. The configurations seem to be in accordance with the documentation, the initialization as well and I can normally manipulate redis via redis_cli.

I created an API to generate tokens that is cached but it always generates a new one with each request instead of using what is in the cache. Nothing is sent to Redis.