a-darwish / cuteOS

A 64-bit SMP-safe kernel for the PC architecture.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Error at build phase with make (on MacOS Big Sur)

ReneMuala opened this issue · comments

Hi, im trying to build cuteOS on macOS.

Here are the steps that i followed:

> git clone https://github.com/a-darwish/cuteOS.git
Cloning into 'cuteOS'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 1398, done.
remote: Total 1398 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 1398
Receiving objects: 100% (1398/1398), 406.94 KiB | 309.00 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (996/996), done.
> cd cuteOS/
> ls
Makefile TODO dev/ include/ lib/ tools/
README boot/ ext2/ kern/ mm/
> make
MKDIR .deps
MKDIR .deps/boot
MKDIR .deps/mm
MKDIR .deps/dev
MKDIR .deps/ext2
MKDIR .deps/lib
MKDIR .deps/kern
AS boot/bootsect.o
warning: unknown warning option '-Wlogical-op'; did you mean '-Wlong-long'?
warning: unknown warning option '-Wnormalized=nfc'; did you mean
'-Wformat-pedantic'? [-Wunknown-warning-option]
2 warnings generated.
boot/bootsect.S:384:6: error: invalid .org offset '510' (at offset '65622')
.org 510
boot/bootsect.S:349:8: error: expected relocatable expression
.long MBR_SEG<<4 + gdt # NOTE! protected mode flat address
boot/bootsect.S:384:6: error: invalid .org offset '510' (at offset '65622')
.org 510
make: *** [boot/bootsect.o] Error 1

I'm probably using a wrong environment. sorry for bothering.