Zverik / geoscribble

Server for map scribbles

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Track edits in a ticket system

Zverik opened this issue · comments

I tend to forget I mapped something the moment I leave. That's fine with the direct OSM editing with Every Door. But when I draw scribbles, I forget to properly map them.

It is possible to extract edited areas by user and day:

  username, date_trunc('day', created)::date as date,
  ST_AsText(ST_Centroid(ST_Collect(geom))) loc, count(*)
from scribbles where deleted_by_id is null
group by 1, 2 order by 2 desc;

Now say we do this every day for edits older than a day, add clustering for edits that were made very far away from each other, and stash the results into a separate table with a boolean flag processed. We get a ticketing system!

Then we can add a simple web UI on top of it, and an API. You filter by your name, click on "edit with josm" links for places you haven't touched, and after that click "ok done" button.

Not that important to add authentication I think, but would simplify filtering by yourself.

And after that, we could think of reminders: either from OSM notes (not very efficient) or email (ugh).