Zuikyo / ZIKRouter

Interface-oriented router for discovering modules, and injecting dependencies with protocol in Objective-C and Swift.

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Can not get userinfo from url.

imphila opened this issue · comments

if use performURL it work well. but if use perform method it does not work.

let url =  "abc://bvc/a?title=1"
//        ZIKAnyViewRouter.performURL(url, path: ZIKViewRoutePath.push(from: self))
        let b = ZIKAnyViewRouter.router(forURL: url)
                b?.perform(ZIKViewRoutePath.push(from: self), configuring: { (config) in
//            config.addUserInfo(<#T##userInfo: [String : Any]##[String : Any]#>)
            config.prepareDestination = { destination in
                if let destination = destination as? UIViewController{
                    destination.modalPresentationStyle = .overFullScreen


Should I add userinfo manually.


URL router is not compatible to performPath:configuring: now. I will implement it later.
You can read performURL:path:completion: in ZIKViewRouter+URLRouter.m, and implement performURL:path: configuring: by yourself.

OK. got that. Thank you