Zovi343 / bookhub_pv179

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BookHub is a web application intended for management of book colections and informations related to them.


The solution consists of several projects:

  1. DataAccessLayer: Contains the data access logic, including the Entity Framework Core context, entities, and data initialization.

  2. WebApplication1: ASP.NET Core Web API project that exposes the BookHub app through RESTful endpoints.

  3. BusinessLayer: Contains the business logic of the application.

  4. BusinessLayer.Tests: Project for testing the Business Layer.

  5. DAL.MSSQL.Migrations: Contains migrations for Microsoft SQL Server database.

  6. DAL.SQLite.Migrations: Contains migrations for SQLite database.

  7. WebMVC: ASP.NET Core MVC web application for the user interface.

  8. TestUtilities: Provides utilities for testing, including mocked objects and data helpers.


  • .NET 7
  • SQLite
  • Microsoft SQL Server

How to Setup and Run

  1. Clone the Repository:

    git clone https://gitlab.fi.muni.cz/xzovak/pv179-bookhub.git
  2. Navigate to the Solution Directory:

    cd pv179-bookhub
  3. Restore NuGet Packages:

    dotnet restore


How to Run

  1. Update Databasse:

    Update-Database -Project DAL.SQLite.Migrations
  2. Run the Web API Project:

    dotnet run --project WebApplication1
  3. Navigate to https://localhost:5001/swagger to access the Swagger.

WebAPI API Endpoints

  • GET /api/Books: Fetches a list of all books.
  • GET /api/Books/{id}: Fetch a book by id.
  • GET /api/Books/search: Fetch a book by its attributes.
  • POST /api/Books: Post a new book object.
  • POST /api/Books/{id}: Update a book by id.
  • POST /api/Books/{id}: Delete a book by id.

Similar endpoints are available for authors and customer.

Error handling

The application returns standard HTTP status codes for errors.

Common error codes include:

  • 400 Bad Request
  • 401 Unauthorized
  • 403 Forbidden
  • 404 Not Found
  • 500 Internal Server Error


The application employs authentication middleware to intercept and authenticate incoming requests. The middleware checks whether the request contains a valid authentication token. This token is a hardcoded string "YourHardcodedToken". The middleware verifies that the token in the request matches this predefined value to authenticate the user.

If a request fails to validate, an error code 403 Forbidden is returned.
In case no valid authentication information is provided, an error code 401 Unauthorized is returned.


A logging middleware is used to intercept incoming requests. The request is then formatted and output to the console.

The resulting log entry is structured as follows:
Received request: <Request Method> <Request Path> Response status code: <Response status code>


How to Run

  1. Update Databasse:

    Update-Database -Project DAL.MSSQL.Migrations
  2. Run the Web API Project:

    dotnet run --project WebMVC
  3. Navigate to https://localhost:5000 to access the web application.

WebMVC Endpoints

AccountController Endpoints

  • GET /Account/Register: Displays the user registration page.
  • POST /Account/Register: Handles the user registration process.
  • GET /Account/Login: Displays the login page.
  • POST /Account/Login: Handles the user login process.
  • POST /Account/Logout: Handles the user logout process.
  • GET /Account/LoginSuccess: Displays a page upon successful login.

Endpoints related to homepage are in HomeController.

Views Overview

The WebMVC project provides several views that make up the user interface of the application.

  1. Account Views

    • Login.cshtml: The login view where users can enter their credentials to access the application.
    • Register.cshtml: The registration view for new users to create an account.
    • LoginSuccess.cshtml: A view displayed to users upon successful login.
  2. Home Views

    • Index.cshtml: The main landing page of the application.
    • Privacy.cshtml: A view displaying the privacy policy of the application.

CI/CD Pipeline

  • Pipeline is defined in .gitlab-ci.yml to ensure automated testing and deployment.


Running Tests

  • To run the tests for the solution use the following command:

    dotnet test
  • Command runs all tests projects. Currently only: BusinessLayer.Tests.

Use case diagram

User(customer) Actions

  • Create Account: The customer can create an account to access the application.
  • Login: After creating an account, the customer can log in to the application.
  • Browse and Filter Books: Once logged in, the customer can search for books and apply filters to refine their search.
  • Purchase Books: The customer can buy books from the available selection.
  • Rate Books: After purchasing a book, the customer can provide a rating and feedback.
  • Access Purchase History: The customer can view their purchase history to see the books they've bought.
  • Add Books to Wishlist: Customers can add books they are interested in to their wishlist.

Administrator Actions

  • Update Book Details: The administrator has the ability to modify book information.
  • Regulate Book Prices: Administrators can manage the pricing of books.
  • Manage User Accounts: Administrators can make changes to user accounts, including creating, updating, or deactivating them. Use case diagram

Entity relationship diagram

Entities in ERD:

  • Book: Represents individual books available in the system. Contains attributes book ID, Title, PublisherId and Price. Each book may be associated with multiple authors, belong to multiple genres, be published by a specific publisher, and have multiple reviews.

  • Customer: Represents users of the system. Contains attributes CustomerID, Username, and isDeleted.

  • Author: Represents authors who write books. Contains attributes AuthorID and Name. An author can be associated with one or more books they've authored.

  • Genre: Represents book categories or genres. Contains attributes like GenreID and Name. Multiple books can belong to the same genre.

  • Publisher: Represents book publishers. Contains attributes like PublisherID and Name. A publisher can publish multiple books.

  • WishlistItem: Represents items that a customer adds to their wishlist. Contains attributes like WishlistItemID, BookID and CustomerID. Each item is associated with a customer and a specific book.

  • PurchaseHistory: Represents the purchase history of customers. Contains attributes like PurchaseHistoryID, BookID, CustomerID and PurchaseDate. Each entry is associated with a customer and a book they've purchased.

  • Review: Represents reviews left by customers for books. Contains attributes like ReviewID, CustomerID, BookID, Rating, and Comments. Each review is associated with a customer and the book they reviewed.

  • AuthorBook: This is a junction table that encapsulates the many-to-many relationship between the Author and Book entities

  • GenreBook: This is a junction table that encapsulates the many-to-many relationship between the Genre and Book entities

Entity relation diagram


  • The SQLite file (bookhub.db) is stored in the local application data folder.



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