ZootHii / VideoGames

video games -> list, search, add favorites android internship task

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


video games -> list, search, add favorites android task


  • APK-Video Games

  • MVVM design

  • Dependency Inecjtion (Dagger Hilt)

  • Retrofit2 (API)

  • Room (Database)

  • Paging RecyclerView (PagingSource)

  • Firebase Analytics/Crashlytics

  • Lifecycle/Coroutine

  • Viewpager2/CircleIndicator3

  • NavigationDirections

  • Collapsing Toolbar

  • Coil (ImageView URL)

Favorites has search from database
Games/Home has search from getGames api @Query("search")
Search not found and empty favorites messages
Parcelable model logs Firebase Analytics in ViewModel for add-remove game favorites and get game details
PagingDataAdapter for Games/Home recyclerview
Add-Remove Favorites buton icon change and remembers isFavorite
Add-Remove Favorites snacbar with item name
Collapsing image for game details page

  • I can save games in room database but I used only for favorites, for games/home games I used api's search query


video games -> list, search, add favorites android internship task


Language:Kotlin 100.0%