ZijianHe / koa-router

Router middleware for koa.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Multi routes will be called if the last middleware call next()

jiladahe1997 opened this issue · comments

node.js version: v12.9.0

npm/yarn and version: 6.10.2

koa-router version: 7.4.0

koa version: 2.11.0

Code sample:

router.get("/", async (ctx, next) => {
  console.log("match /");
  await next();
  ctx.body = "Hello";
router.get("/*", ctx => {
  console.log("match /*");

Expected Behavior:

match /

Actual Behavior:

match /
match /*

Additional steps, HTTP request details, or to reproduce the behavior or a test case:

I'm new to Koa2, and I have misused next() in the last middleware. I don't think this will do anything and return , but actual it do something, it calls the next route.

I think that is strange, and I'm not sure if it's a bug.

I think this means I can not use most third Community middlewares as the last one, beacause they will call next().

Thanks for reading , a simple demo is here