ZieIony / Carbon

Material Design implementation for Android 4.0+. Shadows, ripples, vectors, fonts, animations, widgets, rounded corners and more.

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fontfamily doesn't work

FunnyDevs opened this issue · comments

is it normal?

I'm sorry, but you have to be a little bit more specific. If you mean the carbon_fontFamily attribute, I just checked it and it's working fine for me.

Usually i do

<item name="android:fontFamily">@font/font</item>
<item name="fontFamily">@font/font</item>

carbon_fontFamily works same as fontFamily?

@font resources used as fontFamily are the feature of AppCompatTextView. Carbon's widgets don't derive after AppCompat, so this feature is not available.

The name fontFamily is misleading - you're specifying a specific font. I thought about adding support for font resources, but under a different attribute. I would also like it to work on API 14+. The Support Library backports it to API 16 only.

Carbon backports the original attribute, which allows to specify a font family name. Here you can find a question about this attribute and an example: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/12128331/how-to-change-fontfamily-of-textview-in-android

Here's how it works in Carbon:

carbon_fontFamily="sans-serif"           // roboto regular
carbon_fontFamily="sans-serif-light"     // roboto light
carbon_fontFamily="sans-serif-condensed" // roboto condensed
carbon_fontFamily="sans-serif-black"     // roboto black
carbon_fontFamily="sans-serif-thin"      // roboto thin
carbon_fontFamily="sans-serif-medium"    // roboto medium

Carbon also supports .ttf and .otf fonts. To use that feature, paste a file with a font to /assets/carbon and reference them by name using the carbon_fontPath attribute.

ok, thank you for explanation

I just added support for font resources to Carbon. I don't like reusing of fontFamily, so there's a new attribute for that - carbon_font.

Thanks a lot!! I'll find it in next release 0.15.4?

It's currently in the repo, so if you wish, you can test it using jitpack. I didn't have much time to play with the new changes, so it may still have some bugs. I don't want to release unchecked version to Maven. Here are the instructions: https://jitpack.io/#zieiony/carbon/baefcfb194

I'm also working on a larger update, so the following version may be numbered 0.16.0. It's gonna contain cut and rounded corners like in the new Material Design guidelines: https://material.io/design/material-studies/shrine.html#about-shrine

ok, thank you so much! I'll get it from jitpack