ZhuangLab / storm-control

Microscope control software

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How to cite you?

aquilesC opened this issue · comments

Is it possible to cite this package in a scientific publication?

If you are allowed to cite a web-page then I would use this:

@misc{SCnt:2017, title = {Storm-Control, microscope control software}, url = {https://github.com/ZhuangLab/storm-control}, year = {2019} }

Otherwise there isn't really a publication specifically about this project. The closest might be:

@article {Babcock:2018, author = {Hazen P. Babcock}, title = {Multiplane and spectrally-resolved single molecule localization microscopy with industrial grade \uppercase{CMOS} cameras}, journal = {Scientific Reports}, volume = {8}, year = {2018}, }

Which briefly discusses this package in the methods. If neither of these seem appropriate that's okay.

Thanks! For sure a website can be mentioned.

Maybe it would be interesting for you a platform like Zenodo that gives you a citable DOI also for packages? You can see, for example, what the guys at Trackpy did.

Thank you for the suggestion, I added Zenodo badge.