ZhangYuanhan-AI / NOAH

Searching prompt modules for parameter-efficient transfer learning.

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Search space configuration of VTAB task

lunnar-being opened this issue · comments


I notice that the supernet search space setting of VTAB task is not in line with the description in the paper. In the paper, you mentioned that the search space for VTAB is [1, 5, 10], and the corresponding supernet dimension is 10. But this is different with the config file experiments/NOAH/supernet/supernet-B_prompt_VTAB.yaml, where the used supernet dimension is 100. Also, the search result in dir shows that the search space should be [1, ,5 ,10], but the search space in the same file is [10, 50, 100]. Should I just change the search space to [1, 5, 10], the supernet dimension to 10, for VTAB task?