user_recent_media/2 issue
wess opened this issue · comments
Wess Cope commented
When I run this command with my user_id, I get the following error: Elixtagram.Model.UserSearchResult does not implement the Access behaviour
Zen Savona commented
Hi @wess, could you provide me a bit more info (e.g. exact steps you used to reproduce this), as I can't reproduce the error locally.
Here's what I run, and what I get:
iex(1)> Elixtagram.configure("XXX", "XXX", "")
iex(2)> {:ok, access_token} = Elixtagram.get_token!(code: "code_from_url_callback")
iex(3)> Elixtagram.configure(:global, access_token)
iex(4)> Elixtagram.user_recent_media(35822824, %{count: 2})
[%Elixtagram.Model.Media{attribution: nil,
caption: %{created_time: "1492818154",
from: %{full_name: "\x{1F31E} \x{1F31E} \x{1F31E}", id: "35822824",
profile_picture: "",
username: "zenm8"}, id: "17866287949122397",
text: "\x{1F525}\x{1F525}\x{1F525} when the guac is lit \x{1F525}\x{1F525}\x{1F525}"},
carousel_media: nil, comments: %{count: 0}, created_time: "1492818154",
filter: "Normal", id: "1498189725558479928_35822824",
images: %{low_resolution: %{height: 320,
url: "",
width: 320},
standard_resolution: %{height: 640,
url: "",
width: 640},
thumbnail: %{height: 150,
url: "",
width: 150}}, likes: %{count: 30},
link: "",
location: nil, tags: [], type: "image",
user: %{full_name: "\x{1F31E} \x{1F31E} \x{1F31E}", id: "35822824",
profile_picture: "",
username: "zenm8"}, users_in_photo: [], videos: nil},
%Elixtagram.Model.Media{attribution: nil,
caption: %{created_time: "1492324597",
from: %{full_name: "\x{1F31E} \x{1F31E} \x{1F31E}", id: "35822824",
profile_picture: "",
username: "zenm8"}, id: "17884522156018677",
text: "Good times babysitting this little homo for the weekend #dogsofinstgram #cavalierkingcharlesspaniel"},
carousel_media: nil, comments: %{count: 0}, created_time: "1492324597",
filter: "Normal", id: "1494049467480677063_35822824",
images: %{low_resolution: %{height: 320,
url: "",
width: 320},
standard_resolution: %{height: 612,
url: "",
width: 612},
thumbnail: %{height: 150,
url: "",
width: 150}}, likes: %{count: 15},
link: "",
location: %{id: 213069300, latitude: -37.8167, longitude: 144.967,
name: "Melbourne, Victoria, Australia"},
tags: ["dogsofinstgram", "cavalierkingcharlesspaniel"], type: "video",
user: %{full_name: "\x{1F31E} \x{1F31E} \x{1F31E}", id: "35822824",
profile_picture: "",
username: "zenm8"}, users_in_photo: [],
videos: %{low_bandwidth: %{height: 480,
url: "",
width: 480},
low_resolution: %{height: 480,
url: "",
width: 480},
standard_resolution: %{height: 480,
url: "",
width: 480}}}]
Zen Savona commented
closing this due to inactivity / no response.