Zensavona / elixtagram

:camera: Instagram API client for the Elixir language (elixir-lang)

Home Page:https://hex.pm/packages/elixtagram

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Test failures after cloning

taylorbrooks opened this issue · comments

After initially pulling down the library and running the tests, I got 11 failures.

They all appear to fail around the same thing:

 11) test get feed for user (explicitly authenticated) (ElixtagramTest)
     ** (ArgumentError) argument error
       (stdlib) :unicode.characters_to_binary([nil])
       (elixir) lib/list.ex:555: List.to_string/1
       (elixtagram) lib/elixtagram/api/base.ex:78: Elixtagram.API.Base.params_join/2
       (elixtagram) lib/elixtagram/api/base.ex:66: Elixtagram.API.Base.build_url/2
       (elixtagram) lib/elixtagram/api/base.ex:13: Elixtagram.API.Base.get/3
       (elixtagram) lib/elixtagram/api/users.ex:48: Elixtagram.API.Users.feed/2

I haven't investigated much, but I'm guessing that you need to have a true API client with valid credentials to run the tests?

Actually you don't, all the server responses are recorded with ExVCR, but what I didn't think of at the time is that it will still look for Application/ENV vars containing the credentials for the 'explicitly authenticated' tests.

I'll find a fix for that, it's not ideal really to need to supply credentials to run the tests. Thanks for bringing it to my attention 👍

@taylorbrooks if you update to 0.1.3 or do a git pull the tests should run fine now with no credentials 😃

@Zensavona that did it! awesome turnaround.