Zeinok / BambooTracker

YM2608 (OPNA) music tracker πŸŽπŸŽ‹

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BambooTracker is a music tracker for the Yamaha YM2608 (OPNA) sound chip which was used in NEC PC-8801/9801 series computers.



On Windows:

On macOS:

On Linux:

  • See below chapters "Build on Linux" - "Install package on Debian or Ubuntu".



The files created by this tracker are called "modules". One such module contains songs (song data), instruments (tone data) and settings common to each song. In a song, the channel of each sound source is assigned to a track, and the track holds multiple patterns (performance patterns). The patterns are played by registering them in the order they appear the song. (from beginning to end) A pattern describes a structure in which steps are arranged in chronological order. Key On / off and most effects are described in step units. A tick is the minimum performance unit, one step = n ticks. The effects (such as vibrato) which change with the count unit are based on ticks.

Interface Overview

Instrument List

In the Instrument List, you control the instruments (tone data) used in the module. All songs in the module share the instruments registered here. Up to 128 instruments can be registered ($00 - $7F).

Instrument Editor

Double-clicking an instrument opens the Instrument Editor and allows you to edit said instrument. Instruments can share their settings (properties) with other instruments. For instruments that share properties, a list of all users (instruments) of each property are displayed.

Some instrument editors can set performance sequences. One column corresponds to one tick in the sequence editor. It also corresponds to specifying the sequence loop / release point. Left click to create point or increase count / type change, right click to delete point or decrease count. You can move the position by dragging the edge of the point. For the release type, you can select from the following three types only for envelope setting of SSG.

  • Fixed: Run at specified volume from release point at Key Off
  • Absolute: Run from the first point after the release point to reach the volume at Key Off
  • Relative: Execute from the release point with the volume set as the maximum volume at Key Off

FM Editor

In the FM Editor, you can configure the

  1. Envelope
  2. LFO
  3. Operator Sequence
  4. Arpeggio
  5. Pitch

of an FM instrument.

It enables to paste plain text of envelope like MML. You can add and fix text formats in configuration. There are 8 default formats: FMP, FMP7, MMLDRV, MUCOM88, MXDRV, NRTDRV(VOICE_MODE=0), PMD, VOPM.
Note the tracker reads digits from text in the order of appearance. Please remove needless digits contained in tone name or comments upon using default format.

SSG Editor

In the SSG Editor, you can configure the

  1. Waveform
  2. Tone/Noise
  3. Envelope
  4. Arpeggio
  5. Pitch

of an SSG instrument. The software envelope will be invalid while using waveforms other than rectangular waves.

Order List

In the Order List, we will register the pattern numbers in the order in which they will be played. The rows correspond to the order, and the columns correspond to tracks. The maximum length of the list is 256 ($FF).

Pattern Editor

In the pattern Editor, events such as Key On are registered in chronological order. One line represents one step. The columns of each track, from left to right, are:

  1. Notes
  2. Instrument numbers
  3. Volume
  4. Two characters before effect 1
  5. Two characters after effect 1
  6. Two characters before effect 2
  7. Two characters after effect 2
  8. Two characters before effect 3
  9. Two characters after effect 3
  10. Two characters before effect 4
  11. Two characters after effect 4

Effects 2-3 can be displayed and hidden by pressing the + and - buttons on the header. Up to 256 patterns ($00 - $FF) can be created for each track.

Settings Field

In the Settings Field you can adjust the module's metadata and performance settings of the song.


Specify the tempo of the song. The tempo here is different from bpm, it is simply an indicator of speed. It can also be specified with the 0Fxx effect.


Set the number of ticks for rough estimate in 1 step. Tempo may cause this value to change at run time. It can also be specified with the 0Fxx effect.

Pattern Size

Sets the number of steps in the default pattern. The minimum value is 1, the maximum value is 256.


Specify the groove number set in the Groove Editor. When using groove, all other performance speed settings are fixed. It can also be specified with 0Oxx effect.

Key commands

Please replace some keys with the following in macOS:

  • Ctrl β†’ command
  • Alt β†’ option
  • BackSpace β†’ delete
  • Delete β†’ fn+delete


Key Command
Ctrl+N Create new module
Ctrl+O Open module
Ctrl+S Save module
Ctrl+P Open module property dialog
Ctrl+I Open current instrument editor
Return Play/stop song
Space Toggle jam/edit mode
F1 Show effect list dialog
F2 Focus on pattern editor
F3 Focus on order list
F4 Focus on instrument list
F5 Play from start
F6 Play pattern
F7 Play from current position
Ctrl+F7 Play from marker
Ctrl+Return Play only current step
F8 Stop song
F12 Kill sound

Instrument list

Key Command
Insert Add instrument
Delete Remove instrument
Ctrl+I Open current instrument editor

Order list

Key Command
Ctrl+C Copy
Ctrl+V Paste
Ctrl+A Select track/all
Ctrl+D Duplicate order
Alt+D Clone order
Home Jump to first order
End Jump to last order
PageUp Jump to upper oder
PageDown Jump to lower oder
Insert or Alt+B Insert order below
Delete Delete order
Escape Deselect

Pattern editor

Key Command
Ctrl+C Copy
Ctrl+X Cut
Ctrl+V Paste
Ctrl+M Paste and mix
Ctrl+A Select track/all
Ctrl+G Interpolate
Ctrl+R Reverse
Ctrl+F1 or Ctrl+scroll up Decrease note
Ctrl+F2 or Ctrl+scroll down Increase note
Ctrl+F3 Decrease octave
Ctrl+F4 Increase octave
Shift+F1 or Shift+scroll up Fine decrease values
Shift+F2 or Shift+scroll down Fine increase values
Shift+F3 Coarse decrease values
Shift+F4 Coarse increase values
Alt+F9 Toggle track
Alt+F10 Solo track
Alt+Left Select previous instrument
Alt+Right Select next instrument
Alt+S Replace instrument
Alt+L Expand effect column
Alt+K Shrink effect column
Ctrl+K Add/Remove bookmark on the current position
Ctrl+B Set/Delete marker
Alt+G Show Go To dialog
Tab Jump to right track
BackTab Jump to left track
Home Jump to first step
End Jump to last step
PageUp Jump to upper step
PageDown Jump to lower step
Ctrl+Up Jump to upper 1st highlighted step
Ctrl+Down Jump to lower 1st highlighted step
Ctrl+PageUp Jump to previous bookmark
Ctrl+PageDown Jump to next bookmark
Ctrl+Left Go to previous order
Ctrl+Right Go to next order
Insert or Alt+Down Insert step
BackSpace or Alt+Up Delete the step above
Delete Delete commands
Escape Deselection
- Key off
* (numpad) Increase octave/echo buffer number
/ (numpad) Decrease octave/echo buffer number
^ Echo buffer access

There are two rows of a piano keyboard:

Current octave+1
 2 3  5 6 7  9

Current octave
 S D  G H J  L
Z X CV B N M, .

The keyboard layout can be changed in the configuration.

Volume range

Minimum Maximum
FM 7F 00
SSG 00 0F
Drums 00 1F

It is able to reverse the order of FM volume (Configuration -> General -> Reverse FM volume order).

Effect list

Effect FM SSG Drums ADPCM
00xy Arpeggio (x[0-F]: 2nd note, y[0-F]: 3rd note) Arpeggio - Arpeggio
01xx Portamento up (xx[00-FF]: depth) Portamento up - Portamento up
02xx Portamento down (xx[00-FF]: depth) Portamento down - Portamento down
03xx Tone portamento (xx[00-FF]: depth) Tone portamento - Tone portamento
04xy Vibrato (x[0-F]: period, y[0-F]: depth) Vibrato - Vibrato
07xy Tremolo (x[0-F]: period, y[0-F]: depth) Tremolo - Tremolo
08xx Pan (xx: 00=No sound, 01=Right, 02=Left, 03=Center) - Pan Pan
0A0x Volume slide down (x[0-F]: depth) Volume slide down - Volume slide down
0Ax0 Volume slide up (x[0-F]: depth) Volume slide up - Volume slide up
0Bxx Position jump (xx: order) Position jump Position jump Position jump
0Cxx Song end (xx: any number) Song end Song end Song end
0Dxx Pattern break (xx: start step on the next order) Pattern break Pattern break Pattern break
0Fxx Speed/Tempo change (xx[00-1F]: speed, [20-FF]: tempo) Speed/Tempo change Speed/Tempo change Speed/Tempo change
0Gxx Note delay (xx[00-FF]: count) Note delay Note delay Note delay
0Hxy - Auto envelope (x[0-F]: shift amount (x-8), y[0-F]: shape) - -
0Ixx - Hardware envelope period 1 (xx[00-FF]: high byte) - -
0Jxx - Hardware envelope period 2 (xx[00-FF]: low byte) - -
0Oxx Groove (xx[00-FF]: number) Groove Groove Groove
0Pxx Detune (xx[00-FF]: pitch (xx-80)) Detune - Detune
0Qxy Note slide up (x[0-F]: count, y[0-F]: seminote) Note slide up - Note slide up
0Rxy Note slide down (x[0-F]: count, y[0-F]: seminote) Note slide down - Note slide down
0Sxx Note cut (xx[01-FF]: count) Note cut Note cut Note cut
0Txy Transpose delay (x[1-7]: upwards count, [9-F]: downwards count (x-8), y[0-F]: seminote) Transpose delay - Transpose delay
0Vxx - Tone/Noise mix (xx: 00=No sound, 01=Tone, 02=Noise, 03=Tone&Noise) Master volume (xx[00-3F]: volume) -
0Wxx - Noise pitch (xx[00-1F]: pitch) - -
0Xxx Register address bank 0 (xx[00-B6]: address) Register address bank 0 Registe address bank 0 Register address bank 0
0Yxx Register address bank 1 (xx[00-B6]: address) Register address bank 1 Registe address bank 1 Register address bank 1
0Zxx Regisetr value set (xx[00-FF]: value) Register value set Register value set Register value set
Axyy AR control (x[1-4]: operator, y[00-1F]: attack rate) - - -
B0xx Brightness (xx[01-FF]: relative value (xx-80)) - - -
Dxyy DR control (x[1-4]: operator, y[00-1F]: decay rate) - - -
FBxx FB control (xx[00-07]: feedback value) - - -
Mxyy Volume delay (x[1-F]: count, yy[00-FF]: volume) Volume delay Volume delay Volume delay
MLxy ML control (x[1-4]: operator, y[0-F]: multiple) - - -
RRxy RR control (x[1-4]: operator, y[0-F]: release rate) - - -
Txyy TL control (x[1-4]: operator, yy[00-7F]: total level) - - -

File I/O


The tracker enables to open and save to .btm (BambooTracker module file).


The tracker can load instrument from the following files.

  • .bti (BambooTracker instrument file)
  • .dmp (DefleMask preset file)
  • .tfi (TFM Music Maker instrument file)
  • .vgi (VGM Music Maker instrument file)
  • .opni (WOPN instrument file)
  • .y12 (Gens KMod dump file)
  • .ins (MVSTracker instrument file)

It also supports loading plain text of FM envelope.
ADPCM waveform editor supports .wav import (16-bit mono 2k-16kHz).

A instrument saves as .bti file.


The tracker can load bank from the following files.

  • .btb (BambooTracker bank file)
  • .wopn (WOPN bank file)
  • .ppc (PMD PPC file)
  • .pvi (FMP PVI file)

A bank saves as .btb file.


The tracker can export a song to the following files.

  • .wav (WAVE file)
  • .vgm (VGM file)
  • .s98 (S98 file)


BambooTracker supports following languages:

  • English (default)
  • French
  • Japanese

Build on Linux

On Ubuntu 18.04:


Qt5 (including qmake)
Qt5 Multimedia
Qt5 Multimedia plugins

sudo apt-get install \
  build-essential \
  qt5-default qtmultimedia5-dev libqt5multimedia5-plugins \

You also need to install libpulse-dev if you use PulseAudio, or libjack-dev if you use Jack.


cd BambooTracker

If you use PulseAudio or JACK, add the option to qmake:

  • PulseAudio: qmake DEFINES+=__LINUX_PULSE__
  • JACK: qmake DEFINES+=__UNIX_JACK__

Install package or build on FreeBSD


To build the BambooTracker via FreeBSD ports

cd /usr/ports/audio/bambootracker
make install clean


To install the package

pkg install bambootracker

Install package on Debian or Ubuntu

apt-get install bambootracker




This program and its source code are licensed under the GNU General License Version 2.

See LICENSE and list.md of libraries.


I would like to thank the following people for making it:

  • Qt team for Qt framework
  • MAME team, and Valley Bell for the codes of YM2608 chip emuration
  • Mark James for the tool bar icons
  • VGMRips team for the VGM file format documentation
  • Some tracker creators, especially HertzDevil of 0CC-FamiTracker, Leonardo Demartino (delek) of Deflemask Tracker and Lasse Γ–ΓΆrni (Cadaver) of GoatTracker for UI and routines of the tracker
  • Decidetto for the application icon
  • Vitaly Novichkov (Wohlstand) for WOPN instrument format files
  • maak, SuperJet Spade, Dippy, RigidatoMS and ImATrackMan for sample modules
  • papiezak for sample instruments
  • Ru^3 for S98 file format documentation
  • γŒγ—οΌ“ (gasshi) for SCCI libraries
  • honet for C86CTL libraries
  • Gary P. Scavone and others for RtAudio and RtMidi libraries
  • Thanks Alexey Khokholov (Nuke.YKT) and Jean Pierre Cimalando for Nuked OPN-Mod emulation
  • Jean Pierre Cimalando and Olivier Humbert for French translation
  • Ian Karlsson for ADPCM encoder/decoder
  • And everyone who helps this project!


YM2608 (OPNA) music tracker πŸŽπŸŽ‹

License:GNU General Public License v2.0


Language:C++ 87.2%Language:C 11.5%Language:QMake 0.7%Language:Objective-C 0.3%Language:HTML 0.1%Language:Python 0.1%Language:Roff 0.0%