ZeeZide / Shrugs

Public Information about the Shrugs App

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Add support for editing posted messages

macdevnet opened this issue · comments

Is there a way to edit a message or do you need to delete it and re-post?

Editing messages is not yet available. It's the one feature I miss the most myself, it'll definitely be coming.

Thanks ... Enjoying not having to use the Slack app but I am always making typos and needing to fix them after posting so eventually I suspect it will become an issue for me. However, congrats on what is there so far. I am an Apple Developer and know that shipping software is hard so kudos to you.

Editing old messages is one of the best features Slack provides, I absolutely agree that this is a must have. Didn't make it for this release, but as mentioned I hate the lack of it myself, it'll be in rather sooner than later :-)

I am really enjoying Shrugs and it is a far more pleasant experience than Slacks' own client. However, I am a really inaccurate typist and not being able to edit posts but only delete them is making me consider having to at least temporarily switch back to the Slack client. Please don't take this as one of those "you must or I will ..." style support emails I am only sharing this in the hope that this feedback will be useful. If I am frustrated I am sure others are too. Really hoping post editing will arrive in an update in the near future. Keep up the good work.

And if you want beta testers I am happy to help out if that is of any use.

I can fully understand that, as mentioned it is a super important feature I'm longing for myself. It'll come. The beta versions are available for testing just like the regular ones.