ZeeCoder / use-resize-observer

A React hook that allows you to use a ResizeObserver to measure an element's size.

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The "onResize" callback doesn't work correctly with conditional rendering

QmarXX opened this issue · comments

I'm using the library with onResize callback because I need to use another reference to DOM element to set width, but I have an issue when the component uses "loading status" so component with associated ref is conditionally rendered.

  return (
      {displayLoader ? (
        <LoadingBar />
      ) : (
        <Grid ref={measuredBoxRef}>...</Grid>

In the library is a dependency for ref in the useEffect hook so when loading state is changed and component is rendered the ResizeObserver doesn't observe this element because the ref is not completely changed (only current value). This problem is described on pages:

I can't separate the component like it is proposed in second article, so I'm trying to change the library to use useCallback hook.

Perhaps you met with this problem and you have another solution?

I know that issue is specified for my code but ref in dependencies is not recommended practice and even on the React page is an example to measure DOM element with useCallback hook: https://reactjs.org/docs/hooks-faq.html#how-can-i-measure-a-dom-node

Maybe try something like:

const {width, height} = useResizeObserver({ref: displayLoader ? null : measuredBoxRef});

Then the hook should receive the ref only when it's actually used.

After a quick check it seems to work :) Thank you.
This is not an intuitive solution but I think it does not have any side effect and does not affect app performance so I will use it.

I think it's a good idea. After "onResize" section or in "Troubleshooting" section.
I lost all day searching for the cause so if it helps at least one person it will not be in vain 😃
But also think about the recommended solution from React page with useCallback hook 😉

Yeah so the useCallback hook is not even the interesting part there, but rather supporting callback refs, so that the observer hook would receive the new ref as React provides it.

Not sure what it would look like though...

Maybe something like this?

const { width, height, callbackRef } = useResizeObserver<HTMLDivElement>();

return <div ref={callbackRef}></div>

Then whenever a new node is provided, the hook would trigger the same effect it currently does when the ref instance changes.

Could work.

Well this certainly saved my bacon :) Btw, if you'd be interested in a Typescript version of the debounced hook, just let me know. Figuring out the types of the ref is a bit tricky.

@rlgreen91 good for you :)

@ZeeCoder I tried useCallback and in it useEffect from your lib but it is not allowed. Just hook change to callback also doesn't work correctly and I think when hook will be changed another usage methods will stop working.

@QmarXX I don't quite understand what you mean here.

Well this certainly saved my bacon :) Btw, if you'd be interested in a Typescript version of the debounced hook, just let me know. Figuring out the types of the ref is a bit tricky.

@rlgreen91 sure, feel free to post it here.
I might update the CodeSandbox examples to use TS in time.