Zebradil / Gimme-iPhotos

Download media files from iCloud.

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Docker image exits immediately when asking for 2fa confirmation

norseghost opened this issue · comments


I am unable to interact with the 2fa message in any way while running from docker (on unraid, if it matters)

docker container start gimme-iPhotos pushes the new device login prompt to my idevices well enough; but immediately exits the container. Adding -a Or -i To the docker start command makes no difference

tried adding a app specific password; but I’m still getting the 2fa prompt from the container (not idevices) and immediate container exit…

(I may well be holding something wrong somewhere — not a docker wizard here)

Have you tried to run it with the following (from the readme):

$ docker run -it \
    -v <destination>:/somedir \
    -v ${PWD}/john.cfg:/app/john.cfg \
    zebradil/gimme-iphotos -c john.cfg

The most important part here is -it, which means --interactive --tty, instead of just --interactive.

Ah! Will do!

And we’re up and running!

am I right in understanding that the script doesn’t keep in sync, but should be run periodically?

am I right in understanding that the script doesn’t keep in sync, but should be run periodically?

Yes, that's correct. The container should exit after downloading is done. There are two options, which might be helpful if you want to mirror the state of iCloud photos:

  -o, --overwrite       Overwrite existing files. Default: false.
  -r, --remove          Remove missing files. Default: false.

In particular, remove should be set to cleanup photos deleted from iCloud.