Zasder3 / train-CLIP

A PyTorch Lightning solution to training OpenAI's CLIP from scratch.

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Multi GPU training

niatzt opened this issue · comments

Thanks for sharing the code.

I am not familiar with Lightning. It seems that the Code supports multiGPU (

# Multi-GPU support:
), but I am not sure how to initiate the multi-GPU training.

Besides, just to confirm, the code does not initialize the weights using the pretrained model?

To use multiple GPUs (as long as they’re on the same device) all you need to do is pass the argument —gpus N into the command line argument when you run the script. N being the number of GPUs on the system. If you are trying to use multiple clusters I’d recommend reading the documentation.

You are correct this is not a pretrained initialization! These are random weights. I’d love to know how this works out for you as I haven’t been able to properly test any of the Multi-GPU code.

Hey @niatzt,

Yes, PyTorch Lightning makes it really simple to work with multi-gpu in lot of different configurations.

Here is the doc for Multi GPUS:

Also, we support DeepSpeed, DDP Sharded, Horovod and many more :)


Dear @Zasder3,

First of all, this repo looks really neat ! Awesome work !

Would you be interested in upstreaming your work to Lightning Flash directly: ?

Here is our Template Task to get you started:

This would be our first multi modal task and you can work the Lightning Team to make the experience super neat :)


Hi @tchaton,

I'd love to contribute the code! I'm currently in the process of adding one more large feature to the repo, but then I'd love to add it to flash.

@niatzt Multi-GPU training is in working order now! Just specify --gpus [however many you want to use] --accelerator ddp and you should be in business!