Zasder3 / train-CLIP

A PyTorch Lightning solution to training OpenAI's CLIP from scratch.

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Sinkhorn motivation

vasudev13 opened this issue · comments

Hi, thanks for the awesome implementation!

I had a question with sinkhorn objective used in CustomWrapper. Is it motivated from here? Would be great if you could mention bit more about it.


Funny enough it's actually from a students masters thesis titled: Data-Efficient Language-Supervised Zero-Shot Learning with Self-Distillation.

Hope this helps give some background!

I see, thanks for the direction.

Any chance if you could point me to the the official implementation of the thesis/paper? (if released publicly). I think the CVPR paper does not talk about Optimal Transport but the thesis does.

Thanks again for the clarification.

I was in contact with the author but they were not at liberty to provide their official code. I believe the CVPR version does in fact have some better pseudo-code though!