Zachacious / MusicTheoryJS

A Simple, Lightweight, Extendable Music Theory Library For Javascript

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Improve Scale asString output

Delapouite opened this issue · comments


Thanks for this great library, it is a pleasure to use.

The following code:

console.log(MT.Scale.Major(new MT.Note('C#')).asString)

currently ouputs:

Scale: C#/Db D#/Eb F F#/Gb G#/Ab A#/Bb C

Which is correct but not really what I was expecting:

Scale: C# D# E# F# G# A# B#

Looking at the related snippet:

    get asString() {
      let names = 'Scale: ';
      this.mNotes.forEach((item) => {
        names += `${item.asString} `;

      return names;

each note is stringified in its default representation, lacking the context of which form it should adopt to conform to the more natural way to write a scale.

What could be the approach to improve this situation?


Apologies for the late response. Been away for a while.
The current system is kinda lazy, meaning, It doesn't try to determine the proper note names for the scale.

I look at improving this soon.