ZacMarcus / YahooFinance.NET

YahooFinance.NET allows you to easily download historical end of day stock data and historical dividend data from Yahoo Finance.

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GetDailyHistoricalPriceData with start and end dates not working

gamblor999 opened this issue · comments

Hi Team,

Love your work!! everything is working great except i cannot get the historical date for a given start date and end date, does this still work for you?

        Dim exchange As String = "ASX"
        Dim symbol As String = "ABC"
        Dim yahooFinance As YahooFinanceClient = New YahooFinanceClient(cookie, crumb)
        Dim yahooStockCode As String = yahooFinance.GetYahooStockCode(exchange, symbol)
        Dim yahooPriceHistory As List(Of YahooHistoricalPriceData) = yahooFinance.GetDailyHistoricalPriceData(yahooStockCode, New DateTime(2017, 12, 5), New DateTime(2017, 12, 8))