ZRazer / 2D-laser-datasets

2D laser datasets

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


remove specific transform/topic

python scripts: tf_filter.py(Retain the specified transform)

     usage: python tf_filter.py input.bag output.bag

build-in functions(remove transform map):

     usage: rosrun bag_tools remove_tf.py -i input.bag -o output.bag -f map

build-in functions(Retain the specified topic):

     rosbag filter input.bag output.bag 'topic == "/scan" or topic == "/tf" or topic == "/imu" or topic == "/odom"'

self-recorded datasets:

Two-wheel differential chassis:

     floor1.bag  floor3.bag || lidar:Rplidar A3 [25m 360°] (There are many measurement noises)

     gyy_floor3.bag || lidar:Ydlidar G4 [25m 360°] (Maybe... I have forgotten) Odometery is really bad.

Omnidirectional moving chassis:

     garage.bag || lidar:SICK LMS151 [50m 270°] 

     author = {Richard Zander},

malaga dataset:

     malaga.bag  || lidar:SICK

     author = {Blanco, José-Luis and Fernández-Madrigal, Juan-Antonio and Gonzalez-Jimenez, Javier},
      title = {A New Approach for Large-Scale Localization and Mapping: Hybrid Metric-Topological SLAM},
  booktitle = {IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA'07)},
       year = {2007},
   location = {Roma (Italy)}


2D laser datasets

License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%