reading string value from the output of z3 consequence API throws exception
chauhansantosh17 opened this issue · comments
Recently, we have started consuming consequence API from z3 solver class. We are getting some unexpected behaviour from get_string API when it is invoked on z3 expr returned by the consequence API. Let's consider the c++ code snippet that demonstrate the problem
void testConsequenceAPI()
context c; // declare z3 context
//declare bool constants
expr a = c.bool_const("a");
expr b = c.bool_const("b");
expr d = c.bool_const("d");
expr x = c.int_const("x"); // declare integer constant
expr y = c.string_const("y"); // declare string constant
solver s(c); // create a default z3 solver object from the context
expr c1 = c.bool_const("c1");
s.add( c1 == (x > 0 & x < 4)); // this assert limit value of x to be between 0 and 4
expr c2 = c.bool_const("c2");
expr stringValue = c.string_val("ABC");
s.add(c2 == implies(a, (x == 1 & y == stringValue))); // when c2 is true, then if a is true then x should be 1 and y should be "ABC"
expr c3 = c.bool_const("c3");
expr stringValue2 = c.string_val("XYZ");
s.add(c3 == implies(b, (x == 2 & y == stringValue2))); // when c3 is true, then if b is true then x should be 2 and y should be "XYZ"
expr c4 = c.bool_const("c4");
s.add(c4 == implies(a, d)); // when c4 is true, then if a is true then d should be true
expr_vector inputConstraints(c);
inputConstraints.push_back(c2); // this would enforce x=1 & y ="ABC"
inputConstraints.push_back(c3); // this would enforce b =false
inputConstraints.push_back(c4); // this would enforce d = true
inputConstraints.push_back(a); // this would enforce a=true
expr_vector familiesToExpand(c);
expr_vector expandedFamilies(c);
**z3::check_result consequenceResult = s.consequences(inputConstraints, familiesToExpand, expandedFamilies);**
if(consequenceResult == z3::sat)
// the below line prints the below output
//(=> (and c4 a) d)
//(=> (and c2 a)
// (= y
// (str.++ (seq.unit (_ Char 65))
// (seq.unit (_ Char 66))
// (seq.unit (_ Char 67)))))
//(=> (and c2 a) (= x 1))
//(=> (and c2 c3 a) (not b)))
std::cout << "consequence result: " << expandedFamilies << "\n";
// process the above output on at a time in each iteration of the below loop
std::for_each(expandedFamilies.begin(), expandedFamilies.end(),
[](const z3::expr& currentConsequence)
if(currentConsequence.is_implies()) // every expr is a implies in output vector from consequence API
const z3::expr& antecedent = currentConsequence.arg(0);
const z3::expr& consequent = currentConsequence.arg(1);
std::cout << "Constraint responsible for current expansion: " << antecedent << "\n";
if(consequent.is_bool()) // every consequent expr is of bool sort
const size_t argCount = consequent.num_args();
std::cout << "Consequent: " << consequent << "\n";
if(argCount == 0)
// it mean this is boolean family which is assigned true in consequence result
// 'd' boolean constant is assigned true in consequence result
std::cout << "Current Family Name: " << consequent.decl().name().str() << ". Solution:True" << "\n";
else if(argCount == 1)
// 'b' boolean constant is assigned false in consequence result
std::cout << "Current Family Name: " << consequent.arg(0).decl().name().str() << "." << "\n";
Z3_decl_kind currentResultOperation = consequent.decl().decl_kind();
if(Z3_OP_NOT == currentResultOperation)
std::cout << "boolean family is assigned false in consequence result\n";
else if(argCount == 2)
const z3::expr& family = consequent.arg(0); // this would either family varible - x or Y
std::cout << "Current Family: " << family.decl().name().str() << ". Sort Type:" << family.get_sort().sort_kind() << "\n";
int64_t value = 0;
if(consequent.arg(1).is_numeral_i64(value)) // this get integer value assigned to x family in consequence result
std::cout << "Current assignment: " << value << "." << "\n";
else if(family.get_sort().sort_kind() == Z3_SEQ_SORT) // string is considered as sequence of characters
z3::sort currentSeq = consequent.arg(1).get_sort(); // arg(1) is the value assigned to string family 'y' in consequence result
Z3_sort_kind seqSortType = currentSeq.sort_kind();
std::cout << "Current assignment is seq sort: " << seqSortType << std::endl;
// My understanding is at this point consequent.arg(1) holds the below information:
// (str.++ (seq.unit (_ Char 65))
// (seq.unit (_ Char 66))
// (seq.unit (_ Char 67)))))
**std::cout << "Current assignment value:" << consequent.arg(1).get_string() << std::endl;**
std::cout << "Consequent: " << consequent << "\n";
std::cout << "Consequent: " << consequent << "\n";
std::cout << "unsat\n";
expr_vector core = s.unsat_core();
std::cout << "core size: " << core << "\n";
The get_string API in the above highlighted line throw exception terminating the program. My expectation is: the get_string API should return a string containing "ABC", considering the assumption expr(inputConstraints) for the consequence API?
Am I missing something? Could you please help to understand why the above get_string API throw expection? What corrective action we can take to fix the exception and to get "ABC" as the return string?
pre-processing converts string literals into a concatenation of characters. The output of consequence finding has been pre-processed. It is semantically equal to a string literal, but the get_string() API only works for string literals.