Z-Editor / Z-Editor

Online Z-notations Editor with Draft.js and React.js

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import file does not work even for Z files

SummiaShah opened this issue · comments


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Actual behavior: [What actually happened]


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@SummiaShah Did you export this specific Z file from our Z-editor. If not it won't work. Z-editor can parse only .z files exported from Z-editor application only.

i made a file in z-editor and then downloaded it, when i try to import it nothing happens

Hi @jamesshaw99 ,
I couldn't reproduce the issue could you please send me the downloaded file. so we can reproduce this.
You can also check the file by opening it using a code editor. It should be a JSON file.

Hi @jamesshaw99,
I went through the file and found that some characters are not generated from Z-editor (maybe you added them by copy paste or keyboard shortcuts).
I did a clean for your file and it still has few unrecognizable chars.
you can add those chars by import this file and add chars using Z-editor tools.

hope this will help you.

Thank you very much for your support. We will fix this issue as soon as possible.
(BTW it would be great if you can mention what characters that made this issue)

same issue with me too. Haven added any other words beside from z editor @nadunindunil
It was working when I was using z editor for a small number of Z schema but when I when it went by 2-3 pages then Import just stop working. Can you have a look, about this issue.

Also, thank you and all your team for making it an online app, really appreciated.

Hi @sushilldhakal,
Thank you very much for your feedbacks It seems something went wrong in Unicode characters into UTF-8 conversion. We are working full steam ahead to fix this issue and I will let you know as soon as possible we make progress.

Hi @SummiaShah , @jamesshaw99 ,
We have found the issue with download option and fixed it. Please let us know if you face any inconveniences.
Thank you.

Closing this issue after the release of the newest version.