YyzHarry / imbalanced-regression

[ICML 2021, Long Talk] Delving into Deep Imbalanced Regression

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I have a question about training a model using RRT

linchuanze opened this issue · comments

Do i need set a few epoch to traing the last regressor.As shown in the figure below, what causes it
屏幕截图 2022-10-05 200438

Hi, for RRT you can follow the command

python train.py [...retrained model arguments...] --retrain_fc --pretrained <path_to_pretrained_ckpt>

For RRT, the hyper-parameter settings remain the same between the first and the second training stage, though one usually trains for fewer epochs as only last layer is trained (e.g., 10/30 epochs for age datasets). See examples & descriptions from, for example, AgeDB-DIR.