Yukun-Huang / pytorch-differentiable-histogram

PyTorch implementation for differentiable histogram

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Small adjustments

p-sodmann opened this issue · comments

The method fails for values min and max, I fixed those by adding one more step to the bin table and decreased delta.
also h_r needs to be adjusted in the first dim/bin
def differentiable_histogram(x, bins=255, min=0.0, max=1.0):
n_samples, n_chns, t = x.shape

hist_torch = torch.zeros(n_samples, n_chns, bins).to(x.device)
delta = (max - min) / (bins-1)
BIN_Table = torch.arange(start=0, end=bins+1, step=1)*delta
for dim in range(0, bins, 1):
    h_r = BIN_Table[dim].item() if dim > 0 else 0
    h_r_sub_1 = BIN_Table[dim - 1].item()
    h_r_plus_1 = BIN_Table[dim + 1].item()

    mask_sub = ((h_r > x) & (x >= h_r_sub_1)).float()
    mask_plus = ((h_r_plus_1 > x) & (x >= h_r)).float()

    hist_torch[:, :, dim] += torch.sum(((x - h_r_sub_1) * mask_sub).view(n_samples, n_chns, -1), dim=-1)
    hist_torch[:, :, dim] += torch.sum(((h_r_plus_1 - x) * mask_plus).view(n_samples, n_chns, -1), dim=-1)
return hist_torch / hist_torch.sum(axis=-1, keepdim=True)


Also small correction: in the return statement, it should be dim not axis

Thanks! Anyone want to make a pull request?