YoungJoongUNC / Neural_Human_Performer

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Some questions about config file when reproduce the result?

Yzmblog opened this issue · comments

Hi, thanks for your great work, and when i try to reproduce your work, i met some problems:(hope that you can give me some advice)

  1. When I train nhp in zju_mocap with train_or_eval.yaml with jitter, I got a very bad result that the final render image is all pure black. But when i use jitter=False, the result is good. I was thinking maybe the parameters of jitter in this code is not the same as that used in your paper? or there are other reasons for this?
    result with jitter:
    result without jitter:
    some img after jitter:

  2. I see the time_steps in train_or_eval.yaml is set to 1, so it only use one time_step imgs when training, it shouldn't be the same as that used in your paper? BTW, could you provide a config file that is the same as you use in paper to help reproduce your work?