YoungFaithful / CapacityExpansion.jl

Capacity Expansion Problem Formulation for Julia

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lost_emission_cost - documentation

holgerteichgraeber opened this issue · comments

In the documentation, is this a typo? should be greater than 1e6. In my previous modeling, I have this value at 700.

lost_emission_cost: Dictionary with numbers indicating the emission price/kg-emission (should be greater than 1e6), give Inf for no LE (Lost Emissions - a variable for emissions that will exceed the limit in order to provide the demand with the installed capacities)

Additionally, how about we add an example similar to "existing" => ["demand","dispatchable_generation"] in infrastructure for lost load and lost emissions here?

Workflow example confirms the above. Copying this here for reference:

Oh yeah, that is a typo.
I think an additional example is a good idea.

closed with #38