YoungFaithful / CapacityExpansion.jl

Capacity Expansion Problem Formulation for Julia

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Documentation/example enhancements

holgerteichgraeber opened this issue · comments

As I am trying to use CapacityExpansion, I'll make some notes here of things where better examples/documentation would help:

  • OptVariable, and how to use get_cep_variables() / get_cep_slack_variables() . It is not intuitively clear how to get the values from the fields. Also, what is SLACK? I assume it is just LL for every hour?
  • should sv["LL"].data and sv["LE"].data be floats instead of array{float}?
  • explain that they can be indexed, e.g. : sv["SLACK"]["el",1,1,"germany"] (this is currently not in the documentation of OptVariable)
  • add an example with co2_limit. Mention default in the documentatoin.
  • Explain the operations optimization function (that if you pass it config, it automatically takes some arguments. list which ones. In my use case, I got an error when I redefined co2_limit. That should happen and is great. Should just be documented.)
  • Mention that Gurobi is much faster than Clp and should be preferred if in an academic setting
  • show an example of how to configure gurobi in docs (e.g. outputflag=0)
  • run_opt documentation: for each option, state the default
  • transmission in run_opt(): Does this include transmission as variables? How do I set fixed transmission infrastructure (existing), but without transmission as a variable?
  • in run_opt(): if transmission=true, does that mean I allow transmission as a variable? and if transmission=false, I do not allow transmission as a variable? Does false mean that no energy exchange between different nodes can happen?

Another addition for the documentation: What is the unit of LE, is it kg CO2 or t CO2? It just says LCA category unit, but there seems no documentation on what that is for CO2.

Addressed in #28