YongGuCheng / he-benchmark

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Type C+P C+C C*P C*C BS Real Complex GPU CPU-Multithread
python-paillier PHE × × × × ×

Time Efficiency (ms)

Hardware :

Intel(R) Xeon(R) E5-2630 24-core 2.6GHz CPU, 63GB RAM

Shared Param

  1. Scale of the plaintext number, floating numbers: 0~1, Integer numbers: 0~100
  2. Repeat times : 100 (presented results are averaged values)
HE Algo Param Encrypt C+P C+C C*P C*C Decrypt
Paillier 1024, 1e-15 2.952835 0.045799 0.022273 0.127396 NULL 0.8013
Paillier 2048, 1e-15 19.64399 0.102064 0.062424 0.39062 NULL 5.7883
Paillier 4096, 1e-15 110.4095 0.280304 0.203196 1.10679 NULL 39.08318
Paillier 8192, 1e-15 629.7019 0.868673 0.719323 3.15596 NULL 221.0439
CKKS 4096-24-[30_24_24_30] 6.21131 1.24118 0.13797 2.84830 5.27865 1.16159
CKKS 8192-40-[60_40_40_60] 12.51202 2.60122 0.46410 5.79688 10.99037 2.35254
CKKS 16384-50-[60_50_50_50_50_50_50_60] 42.88685 9.39863 1.69185 26.73753 68.33356 13.15035

Error Statistics (MAPE)

HE Algo Param C+P C+C C*P C*C
Paillier 1024, 1E-15 1.13E-15 1.86E-15 3.62E-16 NULL
Paillier 2048, 1E-15 7.99E-16 9.13E-16 2.75E-16 NULL
Paillier 4096, 1E-15 8.59E-17 1.35E-16 2.25E-16 NULL
Paillier 8192, 1E-15 7.12E-17 2.72E-16 3.61E-16 NULL
CKKS 4096-24-[30_24_24_30] 1.30E-4 1.87E-4 0.39 1.03
CKKS 8192-40-[60_40_40_60] 6.81E-09 1.53E-08 5.70E-07 5.55E-07
CKKS 16384-50-[60_50_50_50_50_50_50_60] 8.64E-12 1.20E-11 1.16E-09 9.69E-10

Ciphertext Size

HE Algo Param Ciphertext Size (MB)
Paillier 1024, 1E-15 0.0005
Paillier 2048, 1E-15 0.000769
Paillier 4096, 1E-15 0.00134
Paillier 8192, 1E-15 0.00248
CKKS 4096-24-[30_24_24_30] 0.188
CKKS 8192-40-[60_40_40_60] 0.376
CKKS 16384-50-[60_50_50_50_50_50_50_60] 1.753

Reproduce the results

Prepare the environments

cd docekr
sudo docker build . -t he:benchmark

If you have slow network connections, the following commend might be faster

sudo docker build . -t he:benchmark -f Local.Dockerfile

Single trial

# Paillier
sudo docker run -it --rm -v $(pwd):/he -w /he he:benchmark python paillier.py

sudo docker run -it --rm -v $(pwd):/he -w /he he:benchmark python seal_ckks.py

Multiple trials using the master file

# Master File
sudo docker run -it --rm -v $(pwd):/he -w /he he:benchmark python master.py



Learning materials:



Language:Python 89.2%Language:Dockerfile 10.8%