YohanJung / Online-Kernel-Learning

This is all the codes used in "Large Scale Online Kernel Learning"

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The Matlab codes used in "Large Scale Online Kernel Learning"

Research Paper available at http://jmlr.org/papers/v17/14-148.html

Authors: Lu Jing, Steven Hoi

Contact: chhoi@ntu.edu.sg, jing.lu.2014@phdis.smu.edu.sg

This package, in Matlab, includes the most widely used online kernel learning algorithms for binary classification, multiple kernel classification and regression. This is designed for machine learning researcher who are interested in Matlab coding and is very easy to understand. For high efficient implementations, please refer to our c++ toolbox: https://github.com/LIBOL/KOL

The algorithms in this package includes:

  1. Perceptron: The kernelized Perceptron without budget maintainance. http://cseweb.ucsd.edu/~yfreund/papers/LargeMarginsUsingPerceptron.pdf

  2. Online Gradient Descent (OGD): The kernelized online gradient descent algorithm without budget maintainance. http://eprints.pascal-network.org/archive/00002055/01/KivSmoWil04.pdf

  3. Random Budget Perceptron (RBP): Budgeted perceptron algorithm with random support vector removal strategy. http://air.unimi.it/bitstream/2434/26350/1/J29.pdf

  4. Forgetron: Forgetron algorithm that maintains the budget size by discarding the oldest support vectors. http://papers.nips.cc/paper/2806-the-forgetron-a-kernel-based-perceptron-on-a-fixed-budget.pdf

  5. Projectron: The Projectron algorithm using budget projection strategy. http://eprints.pascal-network.org/archive/00004472/01/355.pdf

  6. Projectron++: The aggressive version of Projectron algorithm that updates with both margin error and mistake case. http://eprints.pascal-network.org/archive/00004472/01/355.pdf

  7. BPAs: The budget passive-aggressive algrotihtm with simple supprot removal strategy. http://machinelearning.wustl.edu/mlpapers/paper_files/AISTATS2010_WangV10.pdf

  8. BOGD: The budget online gradient descent algorithm by SV removal strategy http://arxiv.org/ftp/arxiv/papers/1206/1206.4633.pdf

  9. FOGD: The Fourier Online Gradient Descent algorithm using functional approximation method. http://jingonline.weebly.com/uploads/5/3/7/3/53733905/lu15a.pdf

  10. NOGD: The Nystrom Online Gradient Descent algorithm using functional approximation method.[pdf] http://jingonline.weebly.com/uploads/5/3/7/3/53733905/lu15a.pdf

The last two were proposed by our group and published on Journal of Machine Learning Research. If you need to use this code package, please cite our paper as:

Lu J, Hoi S C H, Wang J, et al. Large scale online kernel learning[J]. Journal of Machine Learning Research, 2016, 17(47): 1.

or bib:

@article{lu2016large, title={Large scale online kernel learning}, author={Lu, Jing and Hoi, Steven CH and Wang, Jialei and Zhao, Peilin and Liu, Zhi-Yong}, journal={Journal of Machine Learning Research}, volume={17}, number={47}, pages={1}, year={2016}, publisher={Journal of Machine Learning Research/Microtome Publishing} }

The Matlab code can deal with three online learning problems: binary classification, multi-class classification and regression.

#Input Dateset Format

All datasets are in .mat format. Every dataset file consists of two matrix: data matrix and id matrix. The data matrix is of n×(d+1) dimension, where n is the number of instances and d is the number of feature dimensions. each instance is represented by a row in the data matrix. The first element in a row is the label of the instance. In binary case, label is in range {1,-1}. In multiclass case, label is in range {1,2,...,m}, where m is the number of class labels. And in regression, the label is a real number. The d elements following the label are the feature values. The id matrix is in 20×n dimension, where 20 is the number of runs, each run is conducted on different random permutations of the datasets. This id matrix can be generated by running the Matlab function creat_rand_ID.m. We offer some small scale sample datasets in the folder data.

#Code usage

All parameter settings can be adjusted in the file experiment.m. To run the experiments, first change the paramenter settings according to the properities of the dataset. Then run this function with the argument, the name of the training dataset, which should be stored in the folder "data". For example, the command might be:


and the output is a table of avereged accuracy and time cost (excluding the data loading time) of 20 runs of all compared algorithms on this dataset.

Related links:

Our C++ toolbox for online kernel learning: https://github.com/LIBOL/KOL

Steven Hoi's home page: http://stevenhoi.org/

LU Jing's home page: http://jingonline.weebly.com/

LIBOL: http://libol.stevenhoi.org/

LIBSOL: http://libsol.stevenhoi.org/

Eigen: http://eigen.tuxfamily.org/index.php?title=Main_Page

LIBSVM: https://www.csie.ntu.edu.tw/~cjlin/libsvm/

Journal of Machine Learning Reseaerch: http://jmlr.org/papers/v17/14-148.html

Our follow-up research in online multiple kernel learning: https://github.com/jingcoco/Online-Multiple-Kernel-Learning

A follow-up work to our proposed algorithm in NIPS: https://papers.nips.cc/paper/6560-dual-space-gradient-descent-for-online-learning.pdf


This is all the codes used in "Large Scale Online Kernel Learning"


Language:MATLAB 100.0%