Yini-Li / cardips-ipsc-eqtl


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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This repository contains the code for the CARDIPS iPSC eQTL study. This code starts after most of the computationally intensive/time-consuming data processing steps like alignment, variant calling, expression estimate, etc. The repository mainly consists of Jupyter notebooks although there is also a command line script for running EMMAX and a few small data files.


If you want to run some of the code here, you'll need to install this project's Python package ciepy included in this repo using either python setup.py install or python setup.py develop. The notebooks in this repo will only run as-is on the Frazer lab cluster though with some minor modifications (mainly specifying some paths to data) it should be possible to run them elsewhere.



Project-specific Python package needed to run some of the code here.


Miscellaneous files that are not output from notebooks.


Jupyter notebooks for running analyses. Each notebook has corresponding output directories in output and private_output.


This directory contains one directory per Jupyter notebook. Output files here should be safe to share externally (e.g. no identifiable information) but please think about what the file contains before sharing. Here is a description of some of the output directories and files.


This directory contains files for running EMMAX. Some of the files are just intermediate files. Note that most of the files here use WGS UUIDs rather than RNA-seq UUIDs because the EMMAX needs to the IDs in the input files to match the IDs in the VCF files. Here is a description of the files:

  • emmax_full.tsv: Covariates file for all 215 subjects for use with EMMAX. The first two columns are sex and age. The last three columns are indicators for which batch the RNA-seq sample was sequenced in.
  • emmax_full_unrelated.tsv: Same as emmax_full.tsv except restricted to the 131 unrelated subjects.
  • emmax_samples.tsv: List of samples in sorted order to use for EMMAX.
  • emmax_samples_unrelated.tsv: Same as emmax_sample.tsv except restricted to the 131 unrelated subjects.
  • emmax_sex_only.tsv: Covariates file with sex only.
  • emmax_sex_only_unrelated.tsv: Same as emmax_sex_only.tsv except restricted to the 131 unrelated subjects.
  • eqtl_genes.tsv: List of the genes to run EMMAX for.
  • gene_to_regions.p: Python cPickle with mapping from genes to genomic regions. Variants in the region will be tested for eQTLs with the gene. The regions are constructed by taking everything within 1Mb of a TSS for the gene.
  • peer_*_factors.tsv: PEER factors for * number of factors.
  • peer_*_precision.tsv: PEER precision for * number of factors. The variance explained by each PEER factor is 1 / precision I believe.
  • peer_*_residuals.tsv: PEER residuals for * number of factors.
  • peer_*_weights.tsv: PEER weights for * number of factors.
  • tpm_log_filtered.tsv: Log of TPM values + 1. Genes with TPM > 2 in 10 or more samples were kept, everything else was filtered out.
  • tpm_log_filtered_phe.tsv: Same as tpm_log_filtered.tsv except UUIDs are WGS IDs for use with EMMAX.
  • tpm_log_filtered_phe_std_norm.tsv: Values from tpm_log_filtered_phe.tsv were quantile normalized to a standard normal.
  • tpm_log_filtered_phe_std_norm_peer_resid.tsv: These are the residuals from running PEER for the values in tpm_log_filtered_phe_std_norm.tsv, then quantile normalizing the residuals to a standard normal. These are the values I used to calculate eQTLs.
  • unrelateds.tsv: Metadata for the 131 unrelated samples.
  • unrelated_subsets.tsv: Subsets of the 131 unrelated samples. I used this for testing and seeing how the number of samples affected eQTL power, although those results aren't around anymore and didn't make it into the paper.
  • variant_regions.bed: Genomic regions that are within 1Mb of a TSS.
  • wgs.kin: Kinship file from EMMAX.
  • wgs.kindump: Text dump of kinship file from EMMAX.
  • wgs.kin.Makefile: File that EMMAX makes when it's calculating the kinship matrix.


This directory contains subdirectories for each eQTL analysis I've run. Subdirs of the form eqt[number] are results from using all samples. eqtl01 is for the initial eQTL analysis, eqtl02 is the secondary analysis for all genes that were significant in eqtl01 using the lead variant as a covariate, etc.

Each subdir has the following files:

  • lead_variants.tsv - This file has the lead variants for all genes including variants that are equally significant. Note that this file includes genes that were not significant. The perm_sig column indicates whether a gene was an eGene (i.e. had a significant eQTL).
  • lead_variants_single.tsv - This file has a single lead variant for each gene. I choose randomly if there are ties. This file also contains all genes, not just significant genes.
  • pvalues.tsv - This file has the permutation p-value for each gene.
  • qvalues.tsv - This file has the permutation p-value, the q-value, and whether the gene is significant.
  • gene_variant_pairs.tsv - This file has all significant variant-gene associations only for eGenes.
  • sig_lead_snvs_single.tsv - This file has the most significant SNV per gene for eGenes. I choose randomly to break ties and drop genes that don't have a significant SNV.
  • independent_lead_snvs.tsv - This file is created by LD pruning the variants in sig_lead_snvs_single.tsv.
  • independent_lead_snvs.bed - Bed file for independent_lead_snvs.bed.
  • all_results_sorted.tsv.gz - This file contains the output for every variant-gene pair tested by EMMAX. The file is sorted by position and tabix indexed.
  • top_results_sorted.tsv.gz - This file contains the most significant association for each variant tested by EMMAX. The file is sorted by position and tabix indexed.

I also ran a few different variations of the eQTL analysis. unrelated_eqtls01 contains results from running the eQTL analysis using only the 131 unrelated subjects. no_peer_no_std_norm01 contains results from running the analysis using log TPM expression values without transformation and including batch, sex, and donor age as covariates.


The files in this directory are created from data only available on the Frazer lab server. These files serve as input files throughout the project. Some of the files are:

  • cnvs.tsv - CNVs discovered between reprogrammed stem cells and blood cells.
  • mbased_major_allele_freq.tsv - Major allele frequency estimate (i.e. the percent of transcripts estimated to come from the dominantly-expressed allele) from MBASED. If a value is missing, that means MBASED didn't have enough variants or coverage to use the gene in that sample.
  • mbased_p_val_ase.tsv - ASE p-value from MBASED. If a value is missing, that means MBASED didn't have enough variants or coverage to use the gene in that sample.
  • mbased_p_val_het.tsv - ASE heterogeneous p-value from MBASED. This means that the gene seems to have some sort of transcript regulation where some het variants are imbalanced and others aren't. If a value is missing, that means MBASED didn't have enough variants or coverage to use the gene in that sample.
  • rnaseq_metadata.tsv - Metadata for RNA-seq samples.
  • rsem_tpm.tsv - RSEM TPM values for all samples used in this study.
  • star_logs.tsv - Contents of STAR Log.final.out files for all samples used in this study.
  • subject_metadata.tsv - Metadata for each subject (person) in this study.
  • wgs_metadata.tsv - Metadata for each WGS samples used in this study.


This directory contains one directory per Jupyter notebook. Output files here contain sensitive information or are too large to be shared on Figshare.


Contains scripts that are run from the command line.



License:MIT License


Language:Jupyter Notebook 99.8%Language:Python 0.2%