Yini-Li / Detect-seq

An unbiased method for genome-wide CBE off-targets assessment

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

What is Detect-seq?

Detect-seq is a method performs the genome-wide identification of CBE-induced off-targets in the cellular context.

This technique is developed by YiLab @ School of Life Sciences, Peking University, Beijing, China.

For full informations please click www.detect-seq.com

What is Detect-seq tools?

Detect-seq tools are a collection of Python scripts, which is designed for the analysis of Detect-seq data. The tools can help to perform Detect-seq analysis including but are not limited to off-targets finding sgRNA alignment, and visualization of results.

Requirement, Download, and Usage

1. Requirement

Python version

  • Python = 2.7x

Necessary Python packages

  • Biopython >= 2.2.4
  • pysam >= 0.15
  • pandas >= 0.24.2
  • numpy >= 1.16.2
  • matplotlib >= 1.74
  • scikit-learn >= 0.20.3

2. Download and usage

All Python code in this repertory can be directly downloaded and used like:

python + sepecific_cmd 

3. Future

We are going to distribute Detect-seq tools on pip, which will be coming soon!

The best practice of Detect-seq analysis

We provide some test data in the test dir. So you can download the BAM files and find Detect-seq signal with the following steps.


0. A general analysis pipeline

When you obtain the BAM files, you can follow this analysis pipeline to get your final off-target list and make a sgRNA alignment plot.

1. From .BAM to .mpileup file

1.1 Requirement

  1. FILE: sorted BAM
  2. FILE: reference genome FASTA (Here we use hg38.fa as an example, and this ref file have to match your BAM)
  3. CMD: samtools and version >= 1.9

1.2 Run code

You can generate .mpileup file from a sorted .BAM file with the following command:

samtools mpileup -q 20 -Q 20 --reference hg38.fa -o detect_seq.mpileup  detect_seq.sort.bam

The output file will be like:

chr1	1302588	G	1	^K.	e
chr1	1302589	T	1	.	j
chr1	1302590	G	1	.	o
chr1	1302591	T	1	.	o
chr1	1302592	G	1	.	o
chr1	1302593	T	1	.	s
chr1	1302594	C	1	.	s
chr1	1302595	C	1	.	s
chr1	1302596	A	1	.	s
chr1	1302597	T	1	.	s

The .mpileup format explain please check the HTML mpileup explain

2. From .mpileup to .pmat file

2.1 Requirement

  1. FILE: .mpileup
  2. CMD: parse-mpileup-V04.py (* This command support multiple threads.)
  3. CMD: bmat2pmat-V02.py

2.2 From .mpileup to .bmat file

You can generate .bmat file from a .mpileup file with the following command:

parse-mpileup-V04.py -i detect_seq.mpileup -o detect_seq.bmat -p 1 -n 0

For help info, please run python parse-mpileup-V04.py -h:

python parse-mpileup-V04.py  -h
usage: parse-mpileup-V04.py [-h] -i INPUT [-o OUTPUT] [-p THREADS] [-n MUTNUM]
                        [--TempDir TEMPDIR]

convert mpileup file to info file

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i INPUT, --Input INPUT
                        samtools mpileup format file
  -o OUTPUT, --Output OUTPUT
                        Output parsed file
  -p THREADS, --Threads THREADS
                        Multiple threads number, default=1
  -n MUTNUM, --MutNum MUTNUM
                        Only contain mutation info go to the output, set 0
                        mean output all site, default=0
  --TempDir TEMPDIR     Where to keep temp files, default is the same dir with

The .bmatformat will looks like:

chr_name    chr_index    ref_base    A    G    C    T    del_count    insert_count    ambiguous_count    deletion    insertion    ambiguous    mut_num
chr1	1307722	G	0	77	0	1	0	0	0	.	.	.	1
chr1	1307723	C	0	0	78	0	0	0	0	.	.	.	0
chr1	1307724	G	0	79	0	0	0	0	0	.	.	.	0
chr1	1307725	A	70	0	0	0	0	0	0	.	.	.	0
chr1	1307726	C	0	0	75	0	0	0	0	.	.	.	0
chr1	1307727	G	0	74	0	0	0	1	0	.	C	.	0
chr1	1307728	C	0	0	76	0	0	0	0	.	.	.	0
chr1	1307729	C	0	0	75	0	0	0	0	.	.	.	0
chr1	1307730	C	0	0	75	0	0	0	0	.	.	.	0
chr1	1307731	C	0	0	74	0	0	0	0	.	.	.	0

2.3 select C-base and G-base info

As we all know, BAM files convert all sequence information into the reference strand, which also called forward strand (+). So if a CBE edit occurs on the reverse strand (-), BAM file record that information as G-to-A rather than C-to-T. So it is necessary to split results into two parts, a C-base part and the other is G-base part, represent forward strand (+) edits and reverse strand (-) edits respectively.

# select C-base info (possible foward strand edits)
awk '$3 == "C" {print $0}' detect_seq.bmat > detect_seq.C.bmat 

# select G-base info (possible reverse strand edits)
awk '$3 == "G" {print $0}' detect_seq.bmat > detect_seq.G.bmat 

2.4 From .bmat to .pmat file

.bmat and .pmat files are presented with a little difference. You can generate .pmat file from a .bmat file with the following command:

# For C-base info
bmat2pmat-V02.py -i detect_seq.C.bmat -o detect_seq.C.pmat --InHeader False --InLikeBED False --OutHeader True

# For G-base info
bmat2pmat-V02.py -i detect_seq.G.bmat -o detect_seq.G.pmat --InHeader False --InLikeBED False --OutHeader True

For help info, you can run python bmat2pmat-V02.py -h

usage: bmat2pmat-V02.py [-h] -i INPUT [-o OUTPUT] [-c COVERNUMCUTOFF]
                        [-m MUTNUMCUTOFF] [-r MUTRATIOCUTOFF] [-t MUTTYPE]
                        [--InHeader INHEADER] [--InLikeBED INLIKEBED]
                        [--OutHeader OUTHEADER]

convert bmat file to pmat file

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i INPUT, --Input INPUT
                        Input bmat file
  -o OUTPUT, --Output OUTPUT
                        Output BED format file
                        Site coverage number cutoff default=0
                        Site mutation number cutoff default=0
                        Site mutation ratio cutoff default=0
                        Select mutation type, ALL means no selection, can set
                        like CT, default=ALL
  --InHeader INHEADER   If contain header line in input file, default=True
                        If input bmat file looks like bed file, default=False
  --OutHeader OUTHEADER
                        If contain header line in output file, default=True

3. Merge .pmat file into .mpmat file

3.1 Requirement

  1. FILE: reference genome FASTA (Here we use hg38.fa as an example, and this ref file have to match your BAM)
  2. FILE: .pmat file
  3. FILE: SNP annotation as .vcf format (not necessary)
  4. CMD: pmat-merge-V04.py

3.2 Explain

The pmat file only records single site information on each line, so we next try to search the tandem C-to-T (as G-to-A for reverse strand) pattern in the whole genome by pmat-merge-V04.py command.

And you can use the --SNP option to set SNP information to ignore SNP or SNV signals during your Detect-seq analysis.

3.3 Run code

# For C-to-T .pmat merge
pmat-merge-V04.py -f C -t T -r hg38.fa --OutHeader False \
-i detect_seq.C.pmat -o detect_seq.CT.mpmat \
-d 50 -D 100 --NoMutNumCutoff 2 --OmitTandemNumCutoff 2 --SNP SNP_info.vcf & 

# For G-to-A .pmat merge
pmat-merge-V04.py -f G -t A -r hg38.fa --OutHeader False \
-i detect_seq.G.pmat -o detect_seq.GA.mpmat \
-d 50 -D 100 --NoMutNumCutoff 2 --OmitTandemNumCutoff 2 --SNP SNP_info.vcf & 

For help info, you can run python pmat-merge-V04.py -h

usage: pmat-merge-V04.py [-h] -i INPUT [-o OUTPUT] [-f FROMBASE] [-t TOBASE]
                         -r REFERENCE [-d MAXSITEDISTANCE]
                         [-D MAXREGIONDISTANCE]
                         [--NoMutNumCutoff NOMUTNUMCUTOFF]
                         [--OmitTandemNumCutoff OMITTANDEMNUMCUTOFF]
                         [--SNP SNP] [--OutHeader OUTHEADER]
                         [--InHeader INHEADER]

merge pmat file

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i INPUT, --Input INPUT
                        Input bmat file
  -o OUTPUT, --Output OUTPUT
                        Output BED format file
                        Ref base, accept A,G,C,T default=C
  -t TOBASE, --ToBase TOBASE
                        Mut base, accept A,G,C,T default=T
  -r REFERENCE, --reference REFERENCE
                        Reference genome fasta file
                        Max distance between two sites in one region,
                        Max length of a mutation region, default=100
                        The number of site without mutation --ToBase signal in
                        a mutation region, default=2
                        The omit tande site cutoff, default=2
  --SNP SNP             SNP file with vcf or bed format, if use multiple file,
                        use ',' to separate, default=None
  --OutHeader OUTHEADER
                        If contain header line in output file, default=True
  --InHeader INHEADER   If contain header line in input file, default=True

4. Run enrichment test with .mpmat file

4.1 Requirement

  1. FILE: .mpmat
  2. FILE: Genome background file in .json format
  3. CMD: calculate-mut-stats-V02.py (* This command support multiple threads.)
  4. CMD: find-significant-mpmat-V02.py

4.2 Merge C-to-T and G-to-A .mpmat files

In this step, we should merge two strands .mpmat file together.

# merge file 
cat detect_seq.CT.mpmat detect_seq.GA.mpmat > detect_seq.merge.mpmat

# sort file 
bedtools sort -g hg38.fa.fai -i detect_seq.merge.mpmat  > detect_seq.merge.sort.mpmat

4.3 Count genome background and generate .json files

Next to calculate genome background before running a statistical test.

# ctrl sample
calculate-mut-stats-V02.py -i Full.Ctrl.bam -r hg38.fa -p 1 -o background_ctrl.json

# treat (PD) sample
calculate-mut-stats-V02.py -i Full.Treat.bam -r hg38.fa -p 1 -o background_treat.json

This step has to provide a full-size bam with all genome mapping reads into a script, so here we just show a pretend demo. And you can find background_ctrl.json and background_treat.json files in the test dir.

4.4 Run Poisson test

Run Poisson test with find-significant-mpmat-V02.py and this idea refers to MACS2

find-significant-mpmat-V02.py \
-i detect_seq.merge.sort.mpmat \
-c detect_seq.ctrl.sort.bam \
-t detect_seq.sort.bam \
-r hg38.fa \
-m background_ctrl.json \
-n background_treat.json \
-g hg38.json \
-o detect_seq.StatsTest.table \
--region_mutation_min_cutoff 2 \
--query_mutation_type CT,GA \
--query_mutation_min_cutoff 2 \
--query_mutation_max_cutoff 18 \
--other_mutation_max_cutoff 12 \
--total_mutation_max_cutoff 26

Then you will have a test result like:

chr_name    region_start    region_end    ctrl_count    treat_count    ctrl_mut_count    treat_mut_countctrl_count.norm    treat_count.norm    ctrl_mut_count.norm    treat_mut_count.norm    log2_FC    log2_FC_mut    p_value    FDR
chr1	1303462	1303462	5	3	0	0	0.0	0.0	3.60519843946	1.52868309363	NA	-1.23778931409	0.9433256859064737	0.9433256859064737
chr1	1303610	1303612	2	4	0	1	0.0	0.50956103121	1.44207937578	2.03824412484	-0.972673143489	0.499176280075	0.8426930101168323	0.9433256859064737
chr1	1303615	1303615	2	4	0	0	0.0	0.0	1.44207937578	2.03824412484	NA	0.499176280075	0.9433256859064737	0.9433256859064737
chr1	1303634	1303637	2	4	0	1	0.0	0.50956103121	1.44207937578	2.03824412484	-0.972673143489	0.499176280075	0.8426930101168323	0.9433256859064737
chr1	1307688	1307704	0	108	0	105	0	53.50390828	0	55.03259137	5.741572374	5.782214359	1.50E-16	6.89E-14
chr1	93448687	93448710	6	85	1	75	0.721039688	38.21707734	4.326238127	43.31268765	5.727994971	3.323604715	6.58E-12	2.27E-09
chr1	109629398	109629446	6	157	0	144	0	73.37678849	4.326238127	80.0010819	6.197251858	4.208834528	1.42E-22	8.42E-20
chr2	396529	396546	5	36	0	31	0	15.79639197	3.605198439	18.34419712	3.981523167	2.347173187	2.27E-05	0.00471216

The output table column explain is:

  • ctrl_count reads count in control BAM file
  • treat_count reads count in treat BAM file
  • ctrl_mut_count reads count in control BAM file with tandem mutation signals
  • treat_mut_count reads count in treat BAM file with tandem mutation signals
  • ctrl_count.norm nomalized reads count in control BAM file
  • treat_count.norm nomalized reads count in treat BAM file
  • ctrl_mut_count.norm nomalized mutation reads count in control BAM file
  • treat_mut_count.norm nomalized mutation reads count in treat BAM file
  • log2_FC calculate as log2_FC = log2(treat_count.norm / ctrl_count.norm)
  • log2_FC_mut calculate as log2_FC_mut = log2(treat_mut_count.norm / ctrl_mut_count.norm)
  • p_value Poisson test pvalue
  • FDR Adjust pvalue with Benjamini-Hochberg method.

5. Select signicicant regions and run sgRNA alignment

5.1 Requirement

  1. FILE: detect_seq.StatsTest.table
  2. CMD: mpmat-to-art-V04.py

5.2 Select significant region

Related to our experience, the regions with the following criterion can be considered as enriched off-targets region:

  1. FDR < 0.05;
  2. log2_FC_mut > 1;
  3. ctrl_mut_count < 3 OR ctrl_mut_count.norm < 3;

After this select step, we can obtain detect_seq.StatsTest.Sign.table.

5.2 Select .mpmat file

bedtools intersect -a detect_seq.merge.sort.mpmat -b detect_seq.StatsTest.Sign.table -wa > detect_seq.merge.sort.Sign.mpmat

5.3 Run sgRNA alignment

You can run sgRNA alignment as the following command. Only one thing you should take care of, the --sgRNA sequence has to include PAM info.

mpmat-to-art-V04.py \
-i detect_seq.merge.sort.Sign.mpmat -r hg38.fa --sgRNA GACCCCCTCCACCCCGCCTCCGG > detect_seq.merge.sort.Sign.art

For more alignment options you can run python mpmat-to-art-V04.py -h

usage: mpmat-to-art-V04.py [-h] -i MPMAT_TABLE --sgRNA SGRNA
                           [-o OUT_ALIGNMENT_RESULT] -r REFERENCE
                           [-s SAMPLE_NAME] [--extend_method EXTEND_METHOD]
                           [--align_dist_to_signal ALIGN_DIST_TO_SIGNAL]
                           [--bedtools_path BEDTOOLS_PATH]
                           [--align_method ALIGN_METHOD]
                           [--align_settings ALIGN_SETTINGS]
                           [--align_min_score ALIGN_MIN_SCORE]
                           [--input_header INPUT_HEADER]
                           [--input_sep INPUT_SEP]
                           [--more_colname MORE_COLNAME]

From .mpmat to alignment result table (.art) file

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i MPMAT_TABLE, --mpmat_table MPMAT_TABLE
                        .mpmat table file, generated from <pmat-merge.py> or
  --sgRNA SGRNA         sgRNA sequence with PAM (NGG/NAG) sequence
                        Output alignment result table (.art) filename,
  -r REFERENCE, --reference REFERENCE
                        Reference genome fasta file
  -s SAMPLE_NAME, --sample_name SAMPLE_NAME
                        Sample name of this .mpmat, default=run_mpmat
  --extend_method EXTEND_METHOD
                        Select and extend region of mpmat file to get FASTA
                        file, <region> <upstream_site> <downstream_site>
                        <highest_site>, default=highest_site
  --align_dist_to_signal ALIGN_DIST_TO_SIGNAL
                        If distance too far between mutation signal and
                        alignment, consider as there is no appropriate
                        alignment, default=20
  --bedtools_path BEDTOOLS_PATH
                        Software <bedtools> PATH, default considered
                        <bedtools> is already included in current PATH
  --align_method ALIGN_METHOD
                        Provide two methods, <PAM_first> <fair_align>,
                        'PAM_first' treat PAM region with a higher weight,
  --align_settings ALIGN_SETTINGS
                        Set <align_match_score> <align_mismatch_score>
                        <align_gap_open_score> <align_gap_extension_score>,
  --align_min_score ALIGN_MIN_SCORE
                        If alignment score lower than this, consider as no
                        appropriate alignment, default=15
  --input_header INPUT_HEADER
                        If .mpmat file contain header, default=False
  --input_sep INPUT_SEP
  --more_colname MORE_COLNAME
                        More info you want to include in output table, so you
                        can write the column names like col1,col2...

6. Plot sgRNA alignment results

6.1 Requirement

  1. FILE: detect_seq.merge.sort.Sign.art
  2. CMD: plot-art-V01.py

6.2 Run code

plot-art-V01.py -i detect_seq.merge.sort.Sign.art --sgRNA GACCCCCTCCACCCCGCCTCCGG --out_figure_format png -o out.art.png

After a few seconds, you can obtain an image with a match and mismatch information between the sgRNA sequence and off-target region.



An unbiased method for genome-wide CBE off-targets assessment


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