Yevgnen / ivy-rich

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Error on switching buffer (when package-menu-mode is active)

ianyepan opened this issue · comments

If I have *Packages* as an active buffer, Emacs throws Error in post-command-hook (ivy--queue-exhibit): (wrong-type-argument stringp package-menu-mode) immediately when I try to switch buffer
By kililing the *Packages* buffer, switching buffers work perfectly again.

Disabling ivy-rich will prevents this error altogether, therefore I suspect this is due to the way ivy-rich handles the docstring for package-menu-mode.

It does not happen on my emacs 26.3. What's you emacs version and ivy-rich version. I notice that you maybe using the customize branch as you mentioned in another issue?

I was just browsing through documentation of different branches but I did install the ivy-rich package from MELPA, so it's the master branch I believe.
I'm using Emacs 27.0.50 on macOS, and for the past two days, the issue seems to be gone. I will close this for now and perhaps reopen it if the problem resurfaces. Thanks for getting back!