Yevgnen / ivy-rich

More friendly interface for ivy.

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[Feature request] search buffers by project name.

hanjaelee opened this issue · comments

I want to search buffers by projectile project name. then It will be more productive for me.
Or It will be good to search it by filepath or other infomation ivy-rich gives like buffer mode

I think for now, the easiest way to do this is to use a custom function to complete buffers.
For example,
Capture d’écran 2019-07-28 à 12 01 44

(sorry I do not know a proper way to embed the codes, so I chose to post a photo.)

If you use the above function as the collection argument to ivy-read (with dynamic-collection set to t), then when the input starts with a space, it will complete in the hidden buffers; if the input starts with -, it will also search for buffers whose major modes match the input; if the input starts with /, it will also search for buffers whose file paths match the input.

Capture d’écran 2019-07-28 à 11 51 49

Capture d’écran 2019-07-28 à 11 52 22

@JSDurand Can you copy and paste the code wrapped with `?

I found that wrapping the code with three back-ticks makes the code look a lot nicer.

(defun durand-complete-buffer (str)
  "Complete buffers; intended to be used as `collection' of `ivy-read' with `dynamic-collection' set to t.
If STR starts with \"-\", then complete also with mode name;
if STR starts with \"/\", then complete also with the file name;
if STR starts with a space, then consider also hidden buffers."
  (cl-loop for buffer being buffers
           when (let* ((nom (buffer-name buffer))
                       (re-str (funcall (or (ivy-state-re-builder ivy-last)
                       (matcher (if (stringp re-str) 'string-match 'ivy-re-match)))
                   ((and (> (length str) 0)
                         (= (aref str 0) 32)
                         (= (aref nom 0) 32))
                    (funcall matcher re-str nom))
                   ((= (aref nom 0) 32) nil)
                   ((and (> (length str) 0)
                         (= (aref str 0) ?-))
                    (let* ((re-str
                            (funcall (or (ivy-state-re-builder ivy-last)
                                     (substring str 1)))
                           (matcher (if (stringp re-str) 'string-match 'ivy-re-match)))
                      (or (funcall matcher re-str nom)
                          (funcall matcher re-str
                   ((and (> (length str) 0)
                         (= (aref str 0) ?/))
                    (let* ((re-str
                            (funcall (or (ivy-state-re-builder ivy-last)
                                     (substring str 1)))
                           (matcher (if (stringp re-str) 'string-match 'ivy-re-match)))
                      (or (funcall matcher re-str nom)
                          (funcall matcher re-str
                                   (ivy-rich-switch-buffer-path nom)))))
                   (t (funcall matcher re-str nom))))
           collect (buffer-name buffer)))

This function might not be very thoughtful, so feel free to do what you like to it to fulfill your purposes. :)


I'm currently looking to do exactly that: when I do C-x b (ivy-switch-buffer) I would like to have a way to filter (or search, refine) by project name first (as it is being displayed by ivy-rich). I'm not sure if it's really possible but this seems like an interesting starting point to investigate further.

I have proposed a simple modification to ivy which allows to filter based on additional columns supplied by ivy-rich (or any user-supplied transformer function), on a per-command basis (i.e. in my personal case I use it only to modify the behavior of ivy-switch-buffer, as the extra cost of computing the transformations on the fly is low enough to be acceptable, which might not be the case with other functions).