Yevgenium / weather-chart-card

Custom weather card with charts

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

German localization

marcokitzmann opened this issue · comments

It would be nice to add german translation. Tried it by myself by adding this to the locale const, but with no effect:

de: {
'tempHi': 'Temperatur',
'tempLo': 'Nachttemperatur',
'precip': 'Niederschlag',
'units': {
'km/h': 'km/h',
'm/s': 'm/s',
'hPa': 'hPa',
'mmHg': 'mm Hg',
'mm': 'mm',
'in': 'in'
'cardinalDirections': [
'N', 'N-NO', 'NO', 'O-NO', 'O', 'O-SO', 'SO', 'S-SO',
'S', 'S-SW', 'SW', 'W-SW', 'W', 'W-NW', 'NW', 'N-NW', 'N'
'clear-night': 'Sternenklar',
'cloudy': 'Bewölkt',
'fog': 'Nebel',
'hail': 'Hagel',
'lightning': 'Gewitter',
'lightning-rainy': 'Gewitter, Regen',
'partlycloudy': 'Teils bewölkt',
'pouring': 'Starkregen',
'rainy': 'Regen',
'snowy': 'Schnee',
'snowy-rainy': 'Schneeregen',
'sunny': 'Sonne',
'windy': 'Windig',
'windy-variant': 'Windig'

Strange. I leave it here, maybe you can use it.

Will be available in the next update. Thanks!
