XoopsModules25x / wgtransifex

XOOPS module to access Transifex data for translations. You can provide then language packages as zip.

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Error exchange data with Transifex: Forbidden

alain01 opened this issue · comments


Error: RuntimeException: "Error exchange data with Transifex: Forbidden" in file /modules/wgtransifex/class/TransifexLib.php line 362

XOOPS Version XOOPS 2.5.11-Beta1
PHP Version 7.4.4
mySQL Version 8.0.16

I used an account on transifex,
and added it in the settings tab (/modules/wgtransifex/admin/settings.php)


did you start from blank tables or from sample data? if you start from sample data maybe you need access right for "XOOPS Modules team" and " XOOPS Core team"

From Sample data.
I'm in, no ?

Ho, just traducteur...
langue French de l’équipe Podcast Generator team
langue French (France) de l’équipe XOOPS Modules team
langue French (France) de l’équipe XOOPS Core team
langue French (France) de l’équipe Xoops 2.5.7 team
langue French (France) de l’équipe contact 1.81 team
langue French (France) de l’équipe xNewsletter 1.2 team


do you have the same error from a blank module without test data?


hi alain

is this error still occuring? maybe it was the same problem as for cesagonchu

I get this error again
I fulled the settings tab.


Is it working now?

Did you change something since 8 days ?


no, but when we tried last time together all seems to work ;)

Hi Goffy !
New install,
no import sample data
setting my account with my transifex login
Tab "Project" / button "Read all projects from Transifex"

A problem has occurred on our server!
Page is currently unavailable
We are working on a fix
Please come back soon ...

Error : RuntimeException: "Error exchange data with Transifex: Forbidden"

Erreur: RuntimeException: "Error exchange data with Transifex: Forbidden" dans le fichier /modules/wgtransifex/class/TransifexLib.php ligne 362

Hello Goffy,
Now, can I retest with your new PRs ?


I didnt go in detail with your problem. Maybe i have time the next days


I have tested once more on my site and on myxoops.org, no errors occured.
The error "forbidden" normally is shown if user or password is not matching

I should be a manager in transifex, or just a contributer ?


you must be contributor of the teams, otherwise you have now access to the data


a description how to become member of the teams you can find at https://xoops.org/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?post_id=365247&keywords=transifex

Hum cause i'm just a FRENCH contributor ?
Not english ?
Capture d’écran 2021-08-25 095050

Ok, I changed my password and ...
same error :

Erreur: RuntimeException: "Error exchange data with Transifex: Forbidden" dans le fichier /modules/wgtransifex/class/TransifexLib.php ligne 362

tab "settings" then I add my account
then tab projets and button "Read all projects from transifex"

Then I have this error...
But strange, when I come back to the tab "projects', I found 1 line :

AdsLight 2.4.0 Alpha 1

langue French de l’équipe Podcast Generator team
langue French (France) de l’équipe XOOPS Modules team
langue French (France) de l’équipe XOOPS Core team
langue French (France) de l’équipe Xoops 2.5.7 team
langue French (France) de l’équipe contact 1.81 team
langue French (France) de l’équipe xNewsletter 1.2 team

Can you try with the latest english Xoops core?
because the only differences between you and me are :
the configuration
the rights on transifex

Let's first try to have the same configuration.

But anyway, I also think that Transifex bug, because it says that you are in the Core translation group too, even if we don't see you in the list.


Christelle informs me that adslight is the last module she has translated.
If this information is of any use to you.

I've installed a fresh XOOPS 2.5.11 beta2, last wgtransifex and...
same trouble.
May be we need some admin right in transifex.
I'm just a contributor.

Well, now I'm stumped


sent you a mail

Hoooo !
Very strange !
With your user, it's the same problem, same error but when I come back to the module, in the projects tab, I've got 2 pages of modules.

With my transifex account, I got same problem, then when I come back to the module, in the projects tab, I've got just 1 project : adslight

So dark for me...

Ha, didn't see new version since 4 hours.
Let me retry...

Same with the last version


ok, if we have the same problems with my account, then we know: it is not a problem of transifex account, and it is not a problem of wgtransifex.
there must is something different in your php settings. can cou check and report them?

XOOPS Version XOOPS 2.5.11-Beta2
PHP Version 7.4.4
MySQL Version 8.0.16

Result from phpinfo(); in the zip

This is here:
throw new \RuntimeException('"' . \_AM_WGTRANSIFEX_READTX_ERROR_API_403 . '"');
Error: RuntimeException: "Error exchange data with Transifex: Forbidden" in file /modules/wgtransifex/class/TransifexLib.php line 362


I think I found it, it was related to the permissions. can you please test with last version, first with your account, if not working with mine


Merciiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii !!!

All is ok now, with my account, with french and english sites...
I found 5 pages now, and no error !

Big big Thank You Goffy !!!

"fixed bug caused by reading archived projects"
ok ?

Finally! Thanks!


"fixed bug caused by reading archived projects"
Christelle and I can move projects into an archive, and only admins will see it. we keep them in, because we want to have them still available for translation memory.
Reading project list provides all projects, also archived one. and if you (as non admin) try to read details then you get the error "forbidden"
this was the reason