Xmader / musescore-downloader

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Broken IPNS key?

CSharperMantle opened this issue · comments

The url https://ipfs.io/v0/dag/resolve?arg=/ipns/QmSdXtvzC8v8iTTZuj5cVmiugnzbR1QATYRcGix4bBsioP returns a JSON indicating a 'could not resolve name' error. Since I am not that familiar with IPFS, I could not tell whether it caused the script to fail. But from the source I can see getting this IPNS name is critical to the subsequent process.

const IPNS_KEY = 'QmSdXtvzC8v8iTTZuj5cVmiugnzbR1QATYRcGix4bBsioP'
const IPNS_RS_URL = `https://ipfs.io/api/v0/dag/resolve?arg=/ipns/${IPNS_KEY}`
export const getMainCid = async (scoreinfo: ScoreInfo, _fetch = getFetch()): Promise<string> => {
// look for the persisted msczUrl inside scoreinfo
let result = scoreinfo.store.get(MAIN_CID_SYM) as string
if (result) {
return result
const r = await _fetch(IPNS_RS_URL)
const json = await r.json()
result = json.Cid['/']
scoreinfo.store.set(MAIN_CID_SYM, result) // persist to scoreinfo
return result

My main concerns:

  • What is this IPNS name?
  • Why it is changed, removed or so?
  • Are there any ways to solve the issue?

Switching to a new solution helped. Closing this.