Xinyuan-LilyGO / TTGO_TWatch_Library

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Compiling LiliGoLib.h missing file + error uploading empty sketch

chritron opened this issue · comments


I have encountered two things when trying to program a new TWatch S3, using Arduino IDE 2.2.1 with ESP32 2.0.14, board ESP32S3 Dev Module.

  1. When trying to compile one of the example sketches, I get the following message:
    ..Documents\Arduino\libraries\TTGO_TWatch_Library-t-watch-s3\src/LilyGoLib.h:25:10: fatal error: TouchDrvFT6X36.hpp: No such file or directory
    #include <TouchDrvFT6X36.hpp>

I cannot find this file anywhere.

  1. When trying to upload just an empty sketch, I get the following error:

A serial exception error occurred: Write timeout
Note: This error originates from pySerial. It is likely not a problem with esptool, but with the hardware connection or drivers.
For troubleshooting steps visit:
Failed uploading: uploading error: exit status 1

Have tried with different COM ports and cables and verified that it works on another (Adafruit) ESP32 board).


  1. Have you installed T-Watch-Deps according to the method in the README?
    A copy of the library LilyGoLib depends on can be found here T-Watch-Deps
  2. When the library was written, the esp32 core was 2.0.9 and 2.0.14. Some examples may have compilation errors, and there is currently no time to adapt.
  3. If there is an error in uploading the sketch, you can put the watch into download mode according to the README FAQ section.

Thanks a lot for the quick response.

After now having installed the T-Watch-Deps according to the method in the README, I am only getting the following error when compiling:

..Documents\Arduino\libraries\lvgl\src\osal\lv_windows.c:14:10: fatal error: process.h: No such file or directory
#include <process.h>
compilation terminated.

exit status 1

When trying to upload, I have tried to follow the FAQ point 1 about that, and the device is identified with a COM port in the Device Manager, as a USB Serial Device with the same port number as configured in the IDE. The board is configured in the IDE (under Tools) as listed in the README file. I am still getting the following error when trying to upload an empty sketch:

Sketch uses 235761 bytes (7%) of program storage space. Maximum is 3145728 bytes.
Global variables use 18328 bytes (5%) of dynamic memory, leaving 309352 bytes for local variables. Maximum is 327680 bytes. v4.5.1
Serial port COM72

A serial exception error occurred: Write timeout
Note: This error originates from pySerial. It is likely not a problem with esptool, but with the hardware connection or drivers.
For troubleshooting steps visit:
Failed uploading: uploading error: exit status 1

Thank you for any advice

I recorded a video on how to get started, you can refer to it.

If you encounter an error when uploading, it may be related to the version of esptool. Versions less than 4.6.0 may encounter errors. If it is less than 4.6.0, you can try to put the watch into download mode first. I already mentioned above how to put the watch into download mode

I recorded a demonstration video on how to upgrade esptool. I hope it will be helpful to you.

If you are in doubt about how to enter download mode, then check the following steps

  1. Open the back cover of the watch and take out the battery because the buttons are covered by the battery.

  2. Connect the USB to the watch. Can you see the serial port in the computer manager?

If the port is visible, then keep the USB connected and press the crown button (above USB) until the Computer Manager serial port disappears

If the port is not visible, press the crown button for two seconds and see if the serial port is visible

  1. Press the button pointed by the arrow in the picture below and keep pressing it


  1. Press the button on the crown again until the serial port is visible in Computer Manager
  2. Select the port in ArduinoIDE and click Upload Sketch

Thank you so much for making these videos. I have accordingly upgraded the esptool to v4.7.0, but I still receive the same error message: [image: image.png] I did not understand the instruction of how to put the watch into download mode, according to the FAQ: 1. Make sure that the T-Watch is turned on, you can check it according to the following method, open the computer device manager, check the port, plug the USB port into the computer, and if the new COM device is displayed, it has been turned on, if it is not displayed, press the crown Press the button on the button for one second, and then the device port will pop up, click upload at this time The COM device is correctly displayed in the Device Manager. I have tried different ways to push the button for different durations before uploading, but it did not resolve the error. Please let me know if there is anything I did not understand. With respect to compilation of example sketches, i noted the following from the first video: 1. Use ESP32 v2.0.9 2. Unpack the TTGO_TWatch_Library-t-watch-s3 library and copy the folder to the Arduino/Libraries folder (This was already installed, but did it again) 3. Unpack the contents of the T-Watch-Deps-master into the Arduino/Libraries folder (This was already installed, but did it again) 4. Now having a similar directory structure as in your video in 1:55 5. Open Arduino IDE (2.2.1) and opening the same example as you (all free fonts) 6. Selecting ESP32S3 Dev Module and the COM port that is recognized in Device Manager (USB Serial Device) 7. Verifying that ts is the 2.0.9 version of ESP32 installed in board manager. Now trying to compile. The compilation gets to about 15% and the progress bar is at this stage for several minutes without any output (see picture). [image: image.png] Eventually the compilation finishes with the following message: [image: image.png] So these errors seem to persist now. Do you know of anything else I can try? Thank you very much for all support.

On Sat, Jan 27, 2024 at 6:02 AM Lewis He @.> wrote: I recorded a demonstration video on how to upgrade esptool. I hope it will be helpful to you. — Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub <#223 (comment)>, or unsubscribe . You are receiving this because you authored the thread.Message ID: @.>

2~4 is correct as long as it has the same directory structure as in my video
If the compilation progress is stuck, this is a BUG of Arduino IDE
I can't view the picture you provided.
Currently, platformio is the most time-saving IDE. The compilation speed of Arduino IDE is too slow. If possible, try to use platformio.

*Arduino\libraries\lvgl\src\osal\lv_windows.c:14:10: fatal error:
process.h: No such file or directory #include <process.h>
^~~~~~~~~~~compilation terminated.exit status 1*
*Compilation error: exit status 1*

The error message I get when trying to upload an empty sketch is:

There is no lv_windows.c file in the lvgl directory. From the log output, I can't see where this file is referenced. Anyway, just solve it.