Xilinx / xfopencv

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

error with xfopencv

meghuiyer opened this issue · comments

make all
make --no-print-directory pre-build
sdsoc_make_clean Release
rm: cannot remove 'src/xf_otsuthreshold.o': No such file or directory

make --no-print-directory main-build
Building target: test.elf
Invoking: SDS++ Linker
sds++ -L/usr/local/include/opencv4/opencv2 -L/tools/Xilinx/SDx/2019.1/xfopencv/include -sdcard ../src/data --remote_ip_cache /tools/Xilinx/Workspace/ip_cache -o "test.elf" ./src/xf_otsuthreshold_accel.o ./src/xf_otsuthreshold_tb.o -lopencv_core -lopencv_imgproc -lopencv_imgcodecs -lopencv_features2d -lopencv_calib3d -lopencv_flann -lopencv_video -lopencv_videoio -dmclkid 2 -sds-sys-config linux -sds-proc linux -sds-pf "zed"
Removing implementation files from previous run
Analyzing object files
... /tools/Xilinx/Workspace/test/Release/src/xf_otsuthreshold_accel.o
... /tools/Xilinx/Workspace/test/Release/src/xf_otsuthreshold_tb.o
Generating data motion network
INFO: [DMAnalysis 83-4494] Analyzing hardware accelerators...
ERROR: [DMAnalysis 83-4432] An unsupported inferred interface type (ap_memory) was detected
for the port imgInput_data_V_q0 (name maybe encoded) of accelerator otsuthreshold_accel. Near /tools/Xilinx/Workspace/test/src/xf_otsuthreshold_accel.cpp:34

[SUGGESTION]: Please check the argument declaration. For array, we recommend linearized array type
or pointer type enhanced with pragmas as needed. Please refer to documentation on Pragma SDS data.
Data motion generation exited with return code 1

  • errors detected
    sds++ log file saved as /tools/Xilinx/Workspace/test/Release/_sds/reports/sds.log
    ERROR: [SdsCompiler 83-5004] Build failed

makefile:47: recipe for target 'test.elf' failed
make[1]: *** [test.elf] Error 1
makefile:39: recipe for target 'all' failed
make: *** [all] Error 2

could you please let me know what is going wrong ? I referred to your

and I also have w0_xf_OtsuThreshold2.tcl
set_directive_interface -mode ap_fifo "w0_xf_OtsuThreshold" _src_mat.data
set_directive_latency -min 1 w0_xf_OtsuThreshold

could you tell me where am I going wrong ??