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[Enhancement] Optimize MongoDB Framework Performance

wtt40122 opened this issue · comments


We are currently experiencing performance bottlenecks with our MongoDB framework implementation. To enhance our database operations and ensure scalability, we propose several optimization strategies.

Current Status:

The MongoDB framework is exhibiting slower response times under high-load conditions.
Query performance is not meeting the expected benchmarks.
Proposed Optimizations:

1.Indexing Strategy: Review and potentially refactor the indexing strategy to improve query performance.
2.Sharding: Implement sharding to distribute the dataset and improve horizontal scalability.
3.Caching: Introduce a caching layer to reduce database read operations for frequently accessed data.
4.Data Modeling: Reevaluate our data models to ensure they are optimized for the types of queries we are performing.
5.Connection Pooling: Optimize or increase the connection pooling to handle more concurrent operations efficiently.

Improved response times and throughput.
Better utilization of hardware resources.
Enhanced user experience due to faster load times.

Downtime during the implementation of new strategies.
Potential need for additional hardware resources for sharding and caching solutions.
Action Items:

Conduct a thorough performance audit of the current MongoDB setup.
Develop a detailed optimization plan including specific strategies and timelines.
Allocate resources for the implementation and monitoring of the optimization strategies.
Acceptance Criteria:

Response times return to acceptable levels under similar load conditions as experienced previously.
Successful implementation of proposed optimizations without introducing new issues.