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[Feature Request] Official and Stable ORM Framework for MongoDB

wtt40122 opened this issue · comments


I am in need of an official and more stable ORM framework for interacting with MongoDB databases. While there are several ORM solutions available, I am looking for a framework that is either provided or officially recommended by MongoDB to ensure the best compatibility and performance.

Desired ORM Features:

1.Officially supported and maintained to align with MongoDB server version updates.
2.A comprehensive feature set, including but not limited to data mapping, query builders, transaction management, etc.
3.Robust documentation and community support for ease of use and troubleshooting.
4.Support for popular programming languages such as Java.
5.Asynchronous operations support to leverage MongoDB's non-blocking characteristics.
Use Case:
In the construction of data-driven applications, a stable and feature-rich ORM framework is crucial for simplifying database interactions and enhancing development efficiency. Currently, our project [briefly describe your project type, e.g., e-commerce platform, content management system, etc.] requires an ORM framework that can provide the features mentioned above.