The code for Expectation-Maximization Attention Networks for Semantic Segmentation (ICCV'2019 Oral)

Home Page:https://xialipku.github.io/publication/expectation-maximization-attention-networks-for-semantic-segmentation/

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How long does it take to train EMANet with a Resnet-101 backbone?

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Thank you for publishing the code to your excellent work.
I was wondering how long it takes to train the EMANet with a Resnet-101 backbone - both for when the number of input channels is 256 and 512? How many GPUs did you use to achieve this training time?

Thank you in advance :)


Thank you for publishing the code to your excellent work.
I was wondering how long it takes to train the EMANet with a Resnet-101 backbone - both for when the number of input channels is 256 and 512? How many GPUs did you use to achieve this training time?

Thank you in advance :)

It was a long time ago. Let me see, maybe around 8-10 hours over four 1080 Ti.

Thank you!