XhmikosR / perfmonbar

Displays performance counters on the Windows Taskbar

Home Page:https://xhmikosr.github.io/perfmonbar/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Value is centered automatically

uladz-zubrycki opened this issue · comments

Is it possible float value to the left or to the right instead of centering it? I tried to play with characters attribute, but it's no help for the case.

Let me show you what I mean. I have CPU and RAM counters and want those to have the same width, so that my other counters go nicely aligned.

Everything is cool if both CPU and RAM have two digits in the value.

But it looks bad, when CPU consumption is not that high.

Notice how arrows for download and upload speeds change their position. Moreover they jump all the time as values change and it disturbs.

Temporarily fixed by moving counters around, but it's not ideal.

Thanks for the app!

I fixed this by making it

  • use a monospace font (I used Noto Mono) and
  • using the Characters attribute to set minimum characters to 6.

Yeah, it's a font matter.