XhmikosR / jpegoptim-windows

Windows 64-bit jpegoptim builds

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Select all files in folder / asterisk select is not possible

pschonmann opened this issue · comments

d:\TEMP\>jpegoptim.exe *.jpg
jpegoptim: skipping special file: *.jpg

d:\TEMP\>jpegoptim2.exe ./
jpegoptim: skipping directory: ./

In version 1.4.4 it was possible optimize *.jpg with no problem.

Wrong repo. You should report this upstream.

@pschonmann: it was an issue with the Windows build, I didn't expect this to happen.



Does it support compressing PNG to JPEG or just JPEG?

This is just a Windows build of jpegoptim. It's whatever jpegoptim supports.


Seems it doesn't. It works only on JPEG.