XhmikosR / find-unused-sass-variables

A simple tool to find unused Sass variables

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Unused variable is not detected

Khazl opened this issue · comments


If you have a variable which name is a part of an other variable, it's flagged as used. It is because the ReExp find more than one occurrence.

const variables = ['$unused', '$black', '$black-light', '$black-lightest'];
const sassFilesString = '$unused: #123; $black: #000; $black-light: #111; $black-lightest: #222; .class {color: $black;}';

function regExpQuote(str) {
    return str.replace(/[-\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g, '\\$&');

const unusedVars = variables.filter(variable => {
  const re = new RegExp(regExpQuote(variable), 'g');
  return sassFilesString.match(re).length === 1;

console.log(unusedVars); // ["$unused", "$black-lightest"]

$black and $black-light are not used in the SCSS code but part of $black-lightest

@Khazl Please provide a PR. Thanks!

Oh, and add a test case in the dummy test suite we have

Confirmed that this is a bug, pushed a few more tests https://github.com/XhmikosR/find-unused-sass-variables/compare/bug-33

Now we need a patch to fix it.

BTW I don't think the issue is in the regExpQuote function. This is only used to escape some characters. The problem must be lower

const unusedVars = variables.filter(variable => {
const re = new RegExp(regExpQuote(variable), 'g');
return sassFilesString.match(re).length === 1;


I see that there is already a branch with a solution. My thought was to expand the regex a little bit like this:

But using postCSS features seems smarter.

@Khazl: I think we'll just go with fixing the regex. Can you submit a PR against master, please?