XhmikosR / find-unused-sass-variables

A simple tool to find unused Sass variables

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

--ignore not working in cli

danny007in opened this issue · comments

$ node cli.js tests --ignore "$unused"
Looking for unused variables
Finding unused variables in "C:\wamp64\www\find-unused-sass-variables\tests"...
11 total variables.
Variable $a is not being used!
Variable $b is not being used!
Variable $unused is not being used!
Variable $black is not being used!
Variable $ignored-variable is not being used!
Variable $enabled-variable is not being used!
Variable $nestedVar is not being used!
Variable $nestNestedVar is not being used!

Works fine here and on CI.

not working